Chapter 26 Sangs Wake Up Call Continued

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Corys P.O.V.

After the scare of a lifetime. I start to wonder if Mel is really my daughter. She is very smart for her age. That is thanks to my puppets ability to teach them both. I know both kids will be wanted by the academy especially since they are both ghosts. I know the academy does amazing stuff. After all it has saved me and my brother's countless times. Although to be a ghost, you tend to get the harder assignments. Worse assignments if you are a female ghost. I don't know if I want my kids in harm's way. I wish Shawn could make the DNA test come back faster. I hope Poppet doesn't get mad at us for doing them. Hopefully she will see that we had her best interest at heart. That we didn't want to stress her out more. Even if the test comes back, that I am not Mel's father. In my eyes I will be no matter what. Both kids I will claim, I also know my brothers will too. As I come out of my thoughts process. Sean, axle, and Mr Blackburn are walking into the waiting room. They tell us we can go visit her for a short time. Although she does look extremely tired.

Gabe P.O.V.

When we all go into trouble's room. She gets a big happy grin on her face. I love seeing the smile on her. If I can make every day to see that smile. I know I'll die a happy old man. As we're all talking in the room. I turn over at trouble, and ask her what her likes and dislikes are. This gets the attention of all the guys in the room. Trouble starts to think, and as she does she puts her finger to the bottom lip of her mouth. I noticed she does this a lot when she's nervous. Trouble tells me, that she doesn't know what she likes or dislikes. Because she has not had many things in her life. I started to feel angry, and disappointed that this was her life. She is a great person, a great mom, that will do anything for her children. Even if one of them is actually Marie's. That will change very soon legally. I had Mr Blackbourne start filing for custody of little Luke. That way Marie, Christy, or Steven could not take him away from her. I start to have a daydream. I guess I'm doing what Luke does now. I see myself, and all my brothers at a barbecue at our house. There are many kids, running around playing with each other. I see that many of the kids, have features of me and my brothers. And then look up at trouble and see her belly round with another one of our kids. She has a beautiful yellow sundress on. She is also wearing a huge smile. As she is taking everything in. I'm brought back to the sounds in the room. When Axel is asking who will stay with trouble today. Corey says he and Raven can stay tonight. That he will do anything to get more time with trouble. He's also excited because he will have his love Raven with him.

Sangs Dream

I said open my eyes I see I am on a river bank somewhere. There are butterflies all around me. Then I hear my mom's voice. It is very angelical. She is here, but my dad did not come today. She walks up to me. Then gives me a huge hug. Then she tells me she misses me so much. That she was the ones to raise me and my siblings. I almost forgot I do have two siblings. Then my mom looks scared. She asks me not to freak out. Because what she's going to tell me, is really bad. Then she gets all serious. She asks me if I told anyone about what I know. She wants steven, and Christy to pay for their crimes. For all the heartache that they have caused us. She then tells me something that makes me worried and sick inside my body. My mom takes my hand and says honey I am so sorry. That I have to show you this. I don't know how else to tell you, then to show you. If I do not show you this, you will lose two people. Two that will be close to you. I slowly Wonder, if she's talking about any of the guys.

Trigger warning

If you don't want to read this. You can skip to the XXX going across the page. You will not miss to much. Please don't hate me for this.

My mom makes me have another vision of my past. My vision is about 6 months ago. I just got done with one of Christie's punishments. She beat me till I was black and blue, then made me drink lemon juice and vinegar. As it went down my throat it burned my mouth and throat going all the way down. Coming up hurt worse when it was a mixture of my blood and the poison. I hurt so bad I ended up passing out on the floor. I was laying closely next to the bloody throw up. Marie comes down, she grabs me while I'm unconscious and throws me in the shower. I'm so weak that I can't make myself come too. She cleans me up. Then puts me in a nighty. Then takes me to my mom's room and lays me in my mom's bed. Then I hear her on the phone saying that her mom just left to her boyfriend's house. They should have all night without her coming home. She then hangs up and tells me I better be good. If I want the kids to be safe and alive. After around 30 minutes, she walks in with my worst nightmare. The hair on my body starts to stand up. The first thing I notice is the smell of his cologne. The voice that will help me for Life says I have missed you my little whore. I had tears in my eyes falling down my face. I was so weak from the punishments, that I could not do anything. I could not scream. I could not even move. I had so many tears in my eyes falling down my face. All I kept hoping was that my stepmom would come home, and stop him like she did last time. But no one heard my prayers, and no one showed up to save me. As I watch this vision of my past that I have forgotten. I wonder to my self if this is the reason why I find it hard to trust people. If my own sister can be a part of something this horrible. Then what is stopping another person from hurting me. When I focus on this vision of my past. I start to feel disgusted as his eyes roam over my almost naked body. I am literally begging my sister to save me. Even tho the only two people in this room is Volto and myself. I also think to myself, why did I not trust my haker and his family to keep me safe. I could have avoided this from happening. Then my mind reasons with me, reminding me yes I would still have Melody. I also know that I would not have my Luke. I guess everything happens for a reason. Even if it's painful or not. I look up at my mom and ask her if I really have to watch this. She looks at me sadly, grabs my hand to keep me strong. Then says yes baby I am so sorry. Please forgive me. Then the vision continues.

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