Chapter 32 New Beginnings

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Sangs P.O.V

Wow I can't believe I'm a mom of 5 kids. I am so young. I hope I can figure out a way to make the relationship with all 14 guys work. I know we will all have to sit down and talk about it. Because if they are not all on board. Then I will have to sadly walk away. I will not be the one to break up a close family like they have. I hope the guys are right, that I can be a part of their family. As I get pushed in the wheelchair, I do come to the conclusion that I will love to move into my Uncle Taylors house. They are a part of my family already.

When we get to the nursery, I see 3 babies. Two boys and one girl. The little girl is so much smaller than her brothers. What breaks my heart is I see all the tubes keeping her alive. I know in my heart that these three babies are mine. I love how my little girl's brothers are protecting their sister already. I look up at Sean and ask if I can hold them. He says yes, that skin to skin contact is great for babies. It can actually help them get stronger.

Sean picks them up and lays them on my chest. I ask Sean, Sean how are you guys feeding them. He tells me they have a diner that donates breast milk for babies like mine. Sean will I be able to breast feed them. Pookie for a week you can pump and dump. To get all the medicine out of your system. After that you can breast feed them. Sean I barely had enough breast milk to feed two babies. Will my breasts produce the same amount of milk. If so then will I have to formula feed them. Well pookie if that happens, then you can do both. Gabe already bought you a very nice breast pump. He also bought you some bras for breast feeding too. My face goes bright red when I hear that Gabe bought me something for my breasts. Sean gives me a boppy pillow and he shows me how to feed all three at once. The triplet's eat, when they are done we change them. Then Sean lays them back in the bassinet. I start to get worried. I don't have anything for a baby, let alone three of them. Axel must see the panic in my eyes. He tells me that Victor and Gabe has bought three of everything that they will need, or want.

Gabriel Coleman P.O.V.

Wow I can't believe I have six more people I get to dress up. I also get to shop for them. I am so excited to start already. Victor must see it in my eyes. He looks at me, shakes his head, and smiles. Then he hands me his black card. This card has no limit to it. I probably won't even make a dent in all the money Victor Morgan has. He is a famous child pianist prodigy. Victor loves playing the piano. Except when his snobby rich parents force him to. I go on Corys laptop, and start shopping. I buy a bunch of cute clothes. I buy 3 car seats l, 3 swings, 3 bassinets, and 3 cribs, and three changing tables etc. I stock up on a ton of diapers and wipes. I also grab a bunch of baby formula for just in case. I also made sure I bought a ton of maternity bras, and a breast pump. I kind of bought a few for trouble to choose from. Plus I bought a ton of stuff for Little Luke and Mel also. So they won't feel left out. Plus they all needed a new wardrobe. I wonder what our Trouble will name the kids.

Owen Blackbourne P.O.V.

I look at Ms Sorensen with hope in my eyes. I am a hard man to read. I like to look professional at all times. I rarely can my brothers by their first names. I never had mush of a family till I met all my brother's. I really hope that we can have what Lilly and her husband's have. I know it will be hard with 14 of us. I am already looking at her and the children as family. I hope she can look at us the same way. I guess only time will tell. First we have to help her heal from her past. Plus we need to help her close the doors to her past. And open doors to her future. I just hope we will all be apart of her future. I wonder what she will name her new miracles.

Brandon Henshaw P.O.V.

I can't believe we were able to find out bird again. We have looked everywhere for her. We never gave up hope. I know my brother Corey is closer than us to her. Although the reason for this is we never got the chance to get to know her. I look at our bird holding our 3 bundles of joy. I know that I will protect these six new people in our lives. Like I was able to protect my twin brother Corey. I was able to keep him away from my parents. All he thinks is they hit me once in a while. I don't think I will ever tell him, of the horrors he never got to face. The reason is I took all of it. So he would never have to feel the pain and suffering I had. I was glad when Axel and Mark found us. They had the academy arrest my parents and they took us in. We ended up joining their team. I could of never been happier. Although I still have to deal with the nightmares and painful memories. I know my eyes are haunted, while my little brothers are happy and hopeful. I look at Sang and think hopefully we can make happy memories to chase away from the bad ones that I have. I wonder what she will name the triplets.

Sangs P.O.V.

I start to feel a little bit tired. I tried to hide my yawn but the gus saw it. Sean tells me, let's get you back to bed. I still need to look at your bandages. Plus you just had an emergency c- section. Sean what can I take for the pain, and antibiotics that will be safe for my triplets. He tells me he will talk to the kids pediatrician and see what he can change my medication too. When I get to the room, Brandon asks if he can pick me up, to lay me back in bead. I nod my head and he smiles and very gently puts me in bed. About this time Jessica comes through the door. She has my Luke and Mel with her. She also has my lunch with her. My babies see me and run into my arms. I give them the biggest hugs. They sit down on the bed next to me. I look at the guys and they all agree smile. So I look at my kids and tell them that mommy had three more babies. So they have two more brothers and one sister. Both my babies look like I have them each a million dollars. They want to see them. Sean tells them that they are asleep, so we have to wait a little longer. Plus that I need to eat. When Mel looks at me and says mommy what do we call them. That's when I forgot I never had the chance to name my babies. I wonder to myself what should I name them. I think I need all the help with this lol

Author Notes

What do you think we should name the kids?

When will Sang and the kids get to go home?

What is around the corner for Sang and her boys?

Will Volto find out he has kids, and try to take them?

Will Sang and her boys get the happily ever after, that everyone wants?

Will all the boys accept Sang as their one only true bird. Can they all share her with each other? Will there be jealousy, fights, or other troubles. Till next time. Please message me in this page or in private with some names for the babies.

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