Chapter 16 The Truth finally Comes Out

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Narrator P.O.V.

Melody and Alex look at Sang and says, we knew you would make the right decision. Her parents tell her that they were murdered by Christy and Steven. When Steven was jealous that Melody did not want him. He was her uncle and he raped her at 16. So Melody and Alex ran away together when they found out she was pregnant. They were living happily together until Steven found them both together.

All of a sudden Sang starts having a flashback. But it's strange it's not hers. It is actually her mom melodies. When Steven sees Melody is pregnant, all of a sudden he thinks the baby is his. He shoots Alex twice, one bullet in the head and one in the chest. Alex was gone before he even hit the ground. Steven grabs Melody and puts her in his car. He then grabs a bottle of something and pours it on a rag. He then puts it over Melody's nose and mouth. This makes Melody pass out. When Melody comes to she is locked in a basement. She looks around and does not recognize it. She notices she is also tied to a bed and can't move. She then looks over and sees a man in a white coat. The man is talking to steven. He is saying Melody is 8 months along, and she is pregnant with the girl. Steven tells him to induce her labor. He wants his daughter so he can take her home. He wants his wife Christy to raise the baby. Melody begs the doctor not to induce her, but the doctor has no choice. He turns around and looks at Stephen and tells him okay, but he needs him to leave the room. That Melody is scared of him and her blood pressure and heart rate is going up. Steven does not care about Melody no more. Steven tells the doctor he doesn't care. Then the doctor tells him that the baby's heart rate is also going in distress. Even though Stephen does not want to leave the room, he does anyways. The doctor very Sadly looks at Melody, he tells her he will not tell Steven about the other two babies. She is pregnant with one boy and two girls. All of a sudden Melody starts to hemorrhage. She tells him to save her babies. She does not care about herself just as long as her kids live. The doctor does a quick C-section. He grabs a blanket and hides one boy and one girl baby in the closet. The babies were very quietly sleeping. All of a sudden Steven comes back in the room. He sees the Melody is dying. He grabs his daughter and leaves. As he leaves he tells the doctor, Dr Phil Roberts that his family will be released when he's leaves. When Steven is leaving the basement that melody was kept in. Dr Roberts heard Stephen call the baby Sang. Dr Roberts turns to Melody and tries to do everything he can to save her. He tells Melanie two of her kids will be taken care of by himself and his wife. Then with heartache for Dr Roberts Melody dies.

Sang P.O.V.

O.M.G. how do I get past knowing this mom. Why would you show me this. You mean I have two siblings that are part of me. I have a brother and sister. That were all triplets. I always felt like I was missing something. How do I find them. What are their names. How do I find this Dr. Roberts that killed you mom. Do I blame him for your death. Or do I let it go, since he had no choice. As Sang is asking this, her parents start to fade away. She then hears turn the lights low. They might bother her when she wakes up.

**In Sangs Hospital Room**

Dr Roberts and Dr Sean had finally found a weak pulse. They hooked her back up to everything. All her vital started registering that she was going to be okay. They both look at each other shocked. They both agree, let's wake this sleeping beauty up. Slowly Sang starts coming too. Even though she is finding it very hard to wake up. It has been a week since they gave her the medicine to wake her up. She has shown no more signs of improvement. So all medical evidence shows us this thing is still in a coma. So it is on her, if she wants to wake up. Dr Roberts looks at Sang, I mean really, really looks at her. Songs by the has started to heal up. Most of her bruises are healing. The burns are starting to fade. Although some are still serious. When Dr Roberts looks up at her, he sees his daughter. Who is at her friend's house. Then Dr Robert starts to go into one of his memories. Is a memory he wished he would never have to ever face again.

Everyone in the room, had noticed how Dr Robert started acting. Dr Sean knew something was wrong. He gets a really bad feeling. That Dr Roberts is hiding something about their little bird. All of a sudden, Dr Phil Roberts passes out. Luckily North and Silas were right by him. They catch him and lay him on the couch that's in the room. When Owen looks at Dr Roberts, he knows what's wrong with him. He is faced with himself and all his brothers. He knows that Dr Roberts is in a memory dream. One that is terrifying to him. All he hopes is that when Dr Roberts comes too, he will explain what has happened.

As Owen is thinking about this, Luke starts calling Dr Sean. He is saying Sean, she grabbed my hand. Then all of a sudden Sangs eyes slowly open. That's when Sean says turn the lights low. They might bother her while she wakes up. Everyone gets a hopeful feeling that she will be ok. After Sang opens her eyes, it's like she is still in a coma. Even though her eyes are open. Luke looks up at Sean in a defeated way. Why can't his cupcake wake up and come back to him. As he is thinking this, the machines in the room starts going crazy. This pulls Dr Roberts back from his memories. He jumps up and runs to his kids sister. He tells her he will not lose her, like he lost her mother. He tells her she needs to live to meet his siblings. Everyone else in the room thinks Dr Roberts has lost it. Dr Roberts sees Sang start to seize, he tells Sean to grab the diazepam. After Sean grabs it, he shoots it right through her iv. Slowly Sangs body stops seizing. As everyone is talking about what happened. Everyone jumps when they here a terrible, and painful scream.

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