Chapter 55 Say what again!!

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No one could think of eatting after what Owen just said. So after a few minutes everyone agreed, that what Owen started needs to be finished first.

Owen Blackbourne P.O.V.

As my family and I went to the family room to talk. I look at everyone and know that today is a day no one will forget. I look up and see my darling sweet Sang sitting very nervously on Luke's lap. So I guess I should start talking now since you could probably cut the air with a knife.


As you all know that when we were eating I got a call from Mr Bubbles. Please don't cut in unless you actually have too. So what Mr Bubbles explained to us was that the Williams and our Family the Anderson team. Was working on the Volto case. They have been working late hours and over to solve this case. I know that momma Lilly and our Papa's really want us home sooner than later. Everyone chuckled at that. Well anyways we were told that the teams have finally captured Volto. They all caught his minions, and the people that were funding everything. About this time I looked at Victor and knew this part was going to be very hard for him. So I did what no one would have expected me too do. I walk over to my darling and Luke. I tell him with my eyes what I'm doing. I then bend down and pick up my darling. I then walk over to my brother Victor and set his Princess in his lap. I then walk back over to my spot and continue with the meeting. Axel must see that I need a minute so he continues.

Axel Toma

The teams were able to come across a disc that was in Voltos office. This disc had everything on it to put Volto away for many life terms. I know in my heart he won't spend one life sentence. Especially the look Raven has right now. Anyways the disc had on the 25 judges, 5 mayors, 2 Governors, and 125 Academy members. They all are being prosecuted and dubbed a trader of the state. There were many pictures of him torturing many people. Most of the pictures will be used. Some have been taken care of not to hurt the said person.

Kota Lee

Why would the teams or academy choose to use only certain pictures?. I ask my two brothers. What are you guys hiding from us. I know more evidence we have to nail Volto too the better. As soon as I said this I saw my three brothers go pale in the face. When my brother Axel eyes go to my ten (Kota's nickname for Sang). I see the pain in his eyes. When ten notices Axels eyes go to her, she lets a painful gasp escape. Then the rest of my brothers notice what is going on. I can't believe Volto would have pictures and videos he put her through. I want a chance at him to give him the justice he deserves. I know that Volto will not see another light of day when we get to him. I wonder if we know any of the people who were working for him. I go by Victor and my ten, I then sit on the floor at her feet. When she starts to play with my hair. I almost want to fall asleep. It feels so good and relaxing. I'm just about to go under until I heard some more bad news. New that I know would hurt my brother to the extreme. When all of a sudden Victor pulls Sang close and tight, that she lets a oomph out.


When Kota starts asking questions, I try really hard to stop him. But he finally gets his answer, I knew he would feel horrible. Then Kota gets up to go sit at Sangs feet. I know he also needs to be close to her. Kota has seen first hand how someone could be tortured. His own father use to beat and torture his mother. At least until the Academy stepped in and dealt with Erica's husband. They then moved Erica, Kota, and Jessica here close to us. As I'm thinking in my head, the next question slips by me. It's actually my brother Gabe that asks us. I think I heard that they also caught the people who were funding Voltos whole operation. Was it anyone the Academy has dealt with, or been apart of. That's when Owen says yes Gabe we know the two husband and wife personally. That must get most of my brothers attention. Then he says it was Mr. George Morgan, and Mrs. Jasmine Morgan. That's when we hear a small wisp of an omph coming from Sang. Then Owen not thinking finishes the rest of his sentence, that they used Victors money he worked hard for to do it. Then our love does the sweetest thing possible. She stands up, then places her hand in Victors. She gives him a toe curling kiss. Then whispers something in his ear. After she did this, I could see the stress just melt away from my brother. She then accidentally lets a yawn loose. I guess this day has been a great one, but also a hard one.

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