Chapter 35 Somewhere across Town

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Unknown X P.O.V.

As I look at the paperwork in front of me. I keep reading it over and over again. My little Sang has three more children. Could they be mine. Or has she been cheating on me. I get so mad that I rip the paper in half. It's only been I think six months. So they can't be mine. Marie was supposed to keep all guys away from her. She is mine, and has always been. I will just have to prove it to her again. I can't wait to hear her scream and saying my name again. As I give her my beautiful marks. I know last time I almost killed her. So I will have to take my time with her. I will be able to because she will be mine. If I have to use her snot nosed kids I will be more than happy too. I don't have a problem hurting any kids. Just to get my way. She will come to me with open arms to protect them. I don't care if she now has the academy protecting them. I will just have to take care of the guys around her now. They will pay if they touch what is mine. Sang is mine. Mine alone to destroy, humiliate, and beat into submission. I look at my play rooms I made just for her.

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I will be nice and let her pick which room to use that day

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I will be nice and let her pick which room to use that day. I can't wait to see the fear in those pretty eyes. I only have to wait a little while to bring my slave/fiance to our home. I need to release some steam. So I grab one of my temp slaves. Then I start to torture her in place of Sang. Yes I'm cruel for cheating on my true slave. So what is a psychotic murder supposed to do, to bide my time. I play a little with the temp slave, but she is to weak. Not long after I begin, the bitch dies on me. I call my guys to burn her body. Then to clean up the room. Everything must be kept looking like new. For when she comes home.

Unknown P.O.V.

On the phone

Unknown 1: you better have some good news for me. You know I hate to be kept waiting. The last person who kept me waiting is no longer alive

Unknown 2: yes sir I do. I was able to get a good glimpse of the twins. They were at the Academy Hospital with their adopted family. Both kids seem to be in good spirits.

Unknown 1: what were they doing there. Were they hurt, or were they visiting someone

Unknown 2: that's the thing sir. When I tried to find out. Aria saw me looking. She got in a van of a bunch of guys. Also with 3 newborns. I know Aria is not pregnant. I would have known.

Unknown 1: keep an eye on them. You don't want to see how mad I will get. If one of the twins gets hurt. Also get me who they were visiting at the hospital.

Unknown 2: Yes sir I have Mike tailing them now. Yes he knows to stay out of sight. I will talk to you soon sir.

Unknown 1: don't let me down boy. You know what's at steak if you do.

Unknown 2: yes sir I do. Thank you sir. Good bye.

Unknown 2 P.O.V.

I know I have to do my job right. There is a whole lot at steak here. This could be the best thing I did. Or the worse thing I have done. My life is at steak here. All of a sudden as I'm thinking over everything. I get a call from my sugarplum. Hi baby how are you doing. I'm doing good, when do you think you are coming back. I miss my boo. I will be home hopefully next week. You know how my family is with the family business. Yes I do. Ok love you boo. I will see you next week. I also have so much to tell you. I can't wait. Ok sugarplum I will see you soon. Love you. Kiss bye.

I just hope my sugarplum will know and understand, everything I have done. I have done for her, and her family. I pull the ring out of my pocket. It is rose gold with diamonds all through out it. I have it engraved just for her. To the love of my life. Without you I would be nothing. Love your boo.

I just have to get the nerve up to finally ask for her hand in marriage

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I just have to get the nerve up to finally ask for her hand in marriage. If I fail at this job. Then my life will be nothing anyways. She will be ripped out of my life forever. I will not let that happen.

Unknown X P.O.V.

The first step of my plan is to get Marie and Christy released. So I call up the judge assigned to their case. I inform him that I have his family. That if he wants to see them alive again. He will do as I say. He asks me to show him proof. So I send him a video of his youngest daughter Claire. She just turned 13 years old. She is tied to one of my torture tables. He tells me he will do anything, as long as I don't hurt his family. I agree, even tho I would love to make Claire my new temp slave. Since my last one has parishes. Oh well I guess I will just have to grab someone else. So I grab my computer, look at my lists of girls. The list is of all my girls I have for my human sex trafficking ring. I find one with green eyes, and blond hair. She is 18 years old. I read her name. I think to my self, well Melissa looks like your it. I then call Rocky and tell him to bring me her. Then to take the next shipment to the docks. I know I will fetch a pretty bundle for this shipment. Most of the girls are untouched. Which my clients love to be able to break them. When Rocky brings Melissa into the room. I grab her and throw her in a cage. I am way to exhausted to play right now. But there will be plenty of time tomorrow to have my fun. I see Melissa as scared as she is, walks over to Claire to comfort her. I know because of this I have a fighter on my hands. I get hard just from this thought alone. I make myself leave, because the way I feel right now. Both those girls would be dead by morning. Even though one I am not supposed to touch. That judge better do as I say fast. If not I won't be able to uphold my end of the deal. I fell asleep on my bed, dreaming about my Sang. All the pain and suffering I can put her through. I just can't wait.

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