Chapter 57 Live or Die part 1

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It feels like I have been lost for days. I have been walking for what feels like forever. I am stuck in this maze. At every turn I find a blocker. I have to keep pushing myself. I keep hearing my family talking to me. I can tell my family is falling apart. I am the glue that holds my brothers together. Like my love calls me her North Star. She told me that I am her North Star. To find me and I will lead to you home.

When I feel like I want to give up. I see a beautiful woman in front of me. She is standing in front of a log cabin. I know that that was not there. I walk up to her. She welcomes me in her home. Im very iffy if I want to go in. I guess what do I have to lose. So I follow her into the log cabin. When I walked in I see two more women. They are sitting at a table. They tell me to take a seat. Then the next thing I know I start to see blackness. Then I pass out.

Zeus P.O.V.

How can someone get into your magic portal. We have two people dying right now. That they are not supposed to be at this time. I look at my three daughters, they better fix this. If the fates get messed up. Then all hell will rein on earth. And I'm not ready for that. Atropos what do you think we can do to right this. She looks lost. So I turn to my middle daughter. Lachesis do you have any idea to fix this. She looks at me, she is just as lost as her older sister. I look at my youngest. Clotho do you have an idea how we can right this. When she finally looks up at me, she has tears in her eyes. She really likes Sang Taylor. And now she is on deaths door. If we don't fix this many more of their family could end up here.

I know what we can do Atropos says. First we need to get North here. Then until we find Sang, we can keep him awake. I can also pause his death while he is here with us. Do we know where Sang is right now. Clotho says. I can find her. We just have to do a location spell. The first thing we need is the blood of a God. The next thing we need is a eagle feather, a feather from an angel, and a dragons nail. So me and Lachesis will go get the rest of the stuff. Clotho keep trying to find her. I know she is here by now. Ok so everyone knows what they are to do. Just be careful we don't know who has messed with the threads of life. Zeus said. Then he quickly took a knife sliced his palm, then let his blood go into a jar. Then as if by magic his wound closed.


Wow am I in a dream. Because I know I'm not dead. I was just lying with Gabe. And now poof I am in here. I can hear my family crying. Telling me to wake up. I would if I could. I wonder if my mom or dad pulled me here. That is the best idea I have. It's strange though I have never been in this place. I usually have a river around me. Plus no one is here to meet me. Oh my God did I die. I start screaming for my parents. Mom, Dad where are you. I need your help. I can't leave my family right now. Not when our life was starting to look up for us. Mom I have seven children that need me. Now I am looking at an emptiness. I really need to get out of here. So I start running in nothing but blackness. If I'm dead, I know I'm supposed to end up with my family. I have never done nothing wrong. There must be a mix up. After a while I am feeling to beat. So I sit down, and let sleep take me over.


So far North and Sang are in between earth and us. Poor Sang is lost in the dark emptiness. About a few hours later Clotho has given up. So she goes to stay with North. She has to make sure he does not wake up. This is the only way to still keep him alive. They both are going to have to work together. To get out of this mess. Clotho is so upset that when her sisters get back. She is lying in her bad softly crying. Atropos walks over to her and gives her a hug. She whispers something in her ear. Clotho looks up with a small smile on her face. It's not one that reaches her eyes. Atropos knows that they need to fix this. Because if they don't. Not only will North and Sang will die. So will the sisters. Atropos is keeping this from her younger sister. She needs her head on straight. She does not need to fall apart just yet. The last person to get back to the cabin is Zeus. Lachesis grabs all the ingredients that they found. When they get all ingredients in the pot, they notice they are missing an angels feather from its wing. The sisters were not able to get this. No one is allowed to see the angels, they also have important jobs. The sisters were looking depressed. Until Zeus has a smirk and drops the angel feather in the pot. The sisters are back smiling. Then they say a small cantation. Clotho puts a map of the emptiness on the table. Then the contents in the pot start to spin. Then the angel feather jumps out of the pot. It starts to hover over the map. Then it stops on a certain spot. Then it circles the area. Then as if by magic, the feather bursts into flames. After the sisters and Zeus get over the shock of the angel feather. Lachesis and Clotho decide to go find Sang. They know where she is, so the hard part was over, or at least they thought it was.

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