Chapter 19 Family Finally Complete

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Dr Phil Roberts P.O.V.

As I come out of my memory. I hear all of the machines going crazy. I tell Sang, that I will not lose her, like I lost her mother. I then tell her as I'm doing CPR on her, that she has to live for her two brothers and one sister. That they want to meet her. That they miss her. I also tell her that her mom is waiting at home with them for her to come home. A home where she will be safe and loved. Where she will finally belong and be happy. After telling her this Sang starts to seize really bad. I tell Sean to grab the diazepam and give it to her and her IV. The medicine slowly takes effect and her body stops shaking.

When I turn around in the room. Everyone looks at me like I lost it. I explained everything that I remembered. Everyone looks and says this cannot be the girl. Mr Taylor (uncle) looks at me and says after all this time. For six years she was under my nose. I am so sorry Phil I did not see it. As I explain everything to the guys. We all jump when we hear a terrible, and painful scream. I turn around and see that it's not Sang screaming. She is still in a coma. It is in fact her two brothers and sister in the room. Aria had a bad feeling in her stomach. That something happened to her sister Sang. When she told this to her brother's, Zee (Zamir) said he had the same feeling. They all 3 rushed up to the hospital to see their father. When they got there the nurse told them. He was in the big room, trying to keep a patient alive. The three siblings get a feeling, that it's their sister. The three of them never thought that they would see Sang at death's door. Hey grab all three of the kids (now 17 years old) and hug them with everything I got. Then another person walks through the door. It is my wife, the kid's mom. She looks at Sang lying in the hospital bed. Then turns to us and runs and cries. We all cry hugging each other. Thankfully we are in the largest Academy room of the hospital. After everyone starts to calm down, two more people walk through the door. That would turn a calm room, into a disaster zone. It Sangs stepmom and sister Marie. They both walk into the room like they own the place. They look at Sang, then her Stepmom says I don't want my daughter to suffer any longer. Pull the plug on all the machines. I have signed all the paperwork that I needed to. She is my daughter and I want her suffering to end. Then two police officers come through the door. They have a court order, from judge mitchum to take Sang off her support.

Everyone starts to holler and scream at them. Luckily the kids are not here right now. They are with Aunt Jessica and grandma Erica. They took them both to the zoo. Luke looks at both of the women, and tells you can't do this to her. You will be actually killing her. He tells her what happened to the Kristy, that he once loved like a mom. She looks at Luke and tells him it was all a lie. Luke looks like he wants to kill her. So do most of the people in the room. Uncle looks at Dr. Roberts, his old team member. He asks him, since the guardian paperwork was filed. With Sangs signature on the paperwork. He tells him, that she was a minor when she signed it. Only her mom or dad have the right to discuss Sang's care. To make decisions on her behalf. Dr Phil Roberts looks at Kristy and says you have no right. That you and Steven are not her parents. I know for a fact that her parents are Melody and Alex. Both of them are deceased, due to Steven killing them.

Both women look at each other very nervously. Then Marie says fine, she can no longer take care of my son. I want him now. This is when Lilly and her team(family) come into the conversation. Lilly looks at Marie, and tells her that Sang has custody of him. Full legal custody. That when they lived next door, they used favors from their academy accounts. To make it happen.

Dr. Phil Roberts turns to the two police officers and tells them to arrest Kristy and Marie. For kidnapping, and attempted man slaughter. With one count for murder in the first degree to Kristy. The officers say that's fine. Sorry but we still have court orders to proceed with the ending support for Sang. Aria, and Zee tell the officers that they are biological siblings. It does not help since they are still minors. Uncle looks at everyone in the room. He tells them to protect Sang with everything they can. They all start circling around Sang, and her machines. He then says I will be back in less than an hour. The officers do not like how this is turning out. So they decide to call for a lot of back up. As Uncle is walking out of the room, he hears a sweet angelic voice. It's asking where she is, and is her kids ok. I turn to see Sang looking around and she seems to be ok. When Luke sees this he rushes to grab her hand. He squeezes it just a little and starts crying happy tears. Sang looks and sees her Lukie and she thinks she is still dreaming. Luke moves over all the wires carefully, and lays down next to her. Hugging each other, because they have been reunited. The next person she sees is Uncle, he looks at her and says, I have searched for you little bird. For 10 long years. You sure know how to hide. Mostly everyone in the room laughs at that. She hugs him also. Then she gets scared because her stepmom and Marie are there also. Dr. Roberts tells the officers to leave and take the trash with them. Kristy goes to attack Dr. Roberts, but Silas ends up stopping her. Kristy gets all mad and stomps out of the room, with the officers leading them out. Sangs feels herself getting sleepy, which is strange. She has been asleep for a very long time. Her Lukie cuddles with her, and Sang finally goes to sleep with a smile on her face.

Dr. Roberts looks at his children. He tells them to go home. That they can meet their sister tomorrow. All 3 kids don't like it, but they agree. They leave with their mom. Sang has a very interesting day, or week for her right around the corner.

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