Chapter 30 Uncle

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As I was explaining everything to Lilly. I noticed Uncle is walking up to me, Erica is by his side. I go to tell Erica to wait with the guys, but Uncle interrupts me. Then says no please I want her to stay. I nod ok. Then the three of us go to my office. I look at Erica and tell her since she is a nurse. She needs to abide by the HIPPA oath. She agrees to keep it between us. Then I look at Uncle and tell him a lot has happened. Since he was here last. I let him know that Sang does not even know what I am having to tell him. The reason I have to tell him, is it could mean life or death. Uncle looks at me with fear in his eyes. He tells me Shawn don't say that. We just her back to lose her so soon. This will break all of us. As much as she had to fight to survive. I tell him, not to worry because we will come up with a plan. That is best for her.

I look at Uncle, I say ok Uncle here it is. We just found out that Corey is Mel's father. This brought a smile to all of us. Then I said but we also got some very sad news for her. Uncle all her labs came back great. She is way underweight though. Plus a few vitamin deficiencys that just some medicine and food won't help. Uncle i also just found out that Sang has gestational diabetes. Uncle was like ok some insulin will help that right Shawn. He looks over at Erica and her face goes pale. She says one question that gets uncle thinking. How far a long is she Shawn. Uncle looks at me and says wait, Sang is pregnant. Wow when a curve ball is thrown. It's thrown hard. I then tell him there is more. I tell him what happened earlier, and that we had to intubate her. I also explain the risks of that procedure. I explained the minor intubation risks of injury to teeth or dental work. Injury to her throat or trachea. Which doesn't matter because we already had to emergency do it. then I explained to him that there could be a buildup of too much fluid in her organs or tissues that will cause complications. I also explain the risk of her bleeding out. The complications of lung injuries, aspiration, and infection. Plus the pregnancy can be also hard on her body. Uncle asks me how far she is along. I tell him I'm not sure but with his permission I would like to do an ultrasound. He looks at Erica and she nods her head. So Uncle takes her opinion and agrees. The three of us go to her room. I already had the nurse bring in a ultrasound machine. We tell everyone they need to leave the room. That we have to do a medical procedure. My brothers look at me like they want to kill me. I silently tell them I'm sorry. That I have to abide to my HIPAA oath. If not what kind of doctor would I be. When they all leave the room. Erica helps me set her up. Then we do the scan. When I look at the screen I think wow. This is pregnant with three babies. Then laugh and smile inside. I know I will also help her raise these babies along with the two already. I show uncle that there are 3 babies. I do all the measurements and notice she is about 6 to 7 months along. All 3 seem good. I can't wait to let pookie see these 3 beautiful babies she has growing inside her. I print a few pictures. I give one to Uncle. I don't give him the sexes of the 3 babies.

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As Erica is cleaning her off. She looks down at me and says Shawn. I am talking to Uncle and don't her Erica well. The she says a lil louder Dr Sean Green. I look up at her and she is pointing down. Pookie has a lot of blood coming out of her. OMG Shawn save the four of them. I push the code blue button, and rush her to the operating room. As I'm going my brothers notice everything. They see the blood, some become pale. They all want to come with us. It's to late to keep the HIPPA now. I tell them to meet us on floor M. Kota looks at me and says isn't that the maternity floor. I tell him yes as the doors are closing. Not knowing I have 3 stowaway brothers in with us. I shake me head and tell them to wash up fast. That they can each grab a kid after it's cleaned up. Their mouths fly open. The 3 stowaways are Luke, Corey, and Marc. The doors open I tell the guys where to stand. Just outside of the operating room. So each can be ready for when we need them. The OB doctor is waiting on us. I tell her how far Sang is, then she proceeds to deliver the babies by C-section. The first baby out is a boy, he weighs 5 lbs even. The nurse hands him to me after he is cleaned up. I look at him, he has his mother's features. I feel like I'm holding my son. I noticed the second baby that is born is also a boy. He weighs also 5lb. I run to give Corey the first boy. Then run back in, I grab the second boy. He looks like his mother also. I quickly give him to Luke. The last baby born was a beautiful baby girl. She only weighed at 4lbs. She was a tiny thing. She had to be left in a neonatal unit. They took her straight up in the Infant ICU or for short NICU. When I walked into the area where my three brothers were. I told them she also has a new daughter. That she was not with us because she needed a lil extra TLC. I had Marc and Corey sit down, then I handed them each a bottle to feed them . I told Luke if he wanted to go and be with their sister. I could take him there. To let her know we are waiting for her. I also knew that in a few a would put them all 3 together. It would her our girl grow stronger. I think to myself I'm already claiming them. Then I run to make sure everything will ok with their mommy. I walk into the operating room. They tell me that Sang did very good. Her vitals were great, she is also breathing on her own again. That they removed the tube and she is in her maternity room. When I get to her room. Uncle is already there. So is Erica and the rest of my brothers except the 3. I tell them that Sangs will be fine now. She had a lot of stress on her body. From the three babies she was carrying. They all look at me like I lost my mind. Then our Corey and Marc walk in the room. Holding our two sons. I will say this Everytime. It takes a lot to get used to when the first, biggest, and meanest man in the room. Goes all googly over a baby. Our big Russian Raven says our kitten had baby kittens. Then Axel speaks up and says literally. I tell them all vistit a few. Then I need to take them to be with their sister. I explain to them that she was born tiny, and needs a lil more TLC. I also tell them Luke is with them now. After a while I have Raven and Nathan follow me, and holding the boys. I also tell the guys that I will be back to wake there mommy up. After we put the boys with their sister. They some how grab a part of their sister each and hold her tight. They are just born, and they already are her protector's.

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Well I know these 3 kids are not ghosts. I just wonder who will be on as their father. I had so many questions to ask my pookie. We had all the time in the world. As I walked into the room I noticed Gabe has Victor's black card. He is looking on the Internet for three of everything. Well except dresses lol. I also see the same question they all have. Who is the dad. And was it consent. I think I know in my heart that pookie would have never been this careless. If it was not consent I know a Russian Mafia would be looking for the man. He would not live past his next birthday. Those 5 kids now had a whole Russian Mafia protecting them because Ravens dad is the Bratva big boss man. Then they also have the Academy to protect them also. Including 14 very happy daddies.

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