Chapter 10 Lukie & Sang

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Dr Sean Green P.O.V.

As I walked to where all my brothers are. I keep thinking how Sangs heart stopped five more times on the table. It breaks my heart how much this little bird has gone through. I look up when I hear Luke freaking out. Saying no Sean, not Sang, please Sean just this once tell me I'm wrong. I run to Luke and grab my little brother and tell him. Sang is in the ICU but she is still very much alive. Luke looks at Uncle and they both cry happily in tears. in each other's arms. North goes to them and hugs them also. I look up to Uncle and all my brothers and tell them, we should go to the conference room here in the Academy hospital. Since there are a lot of us here. One by one my brothers and uncle and Dr Robert start to take a seat to start this meeting. I look at Uncle and Luke and tell them both that they have a very strong friend indeed. I then go into the bad news of what has happened to our poor little bird.

Narrator P.O.V.

You may be wondering why Sean says our little bird. Well the answer may surprise you. First I need to explain how two teams became one. Also how each team was made. The first team is the blackboard team. The leader of the team is Owen Blackborne. Dakota Lee is the team's family league. The first two people on team Blackborne were Owen and sean. Both boys were the only ones to have all debt paid off and the youngest to graduate from the Academy. Owen and Sean wanted a bigger team, so the academy gave them the privilege to create and find new members for their team.

When Owen and Sean were on an academy assignment they ran into five young boys playing Robin Hood and actual real life. He got the story from the kids, they were trying to help kids that the school was doing wrong to. So they talked to kids into joining the academy and their team. All members have to go to academy boot camp. It's mostly fun stuff. They teach new skills, help build team morale, and how to spot things wrong around them. It also helped the Academy members learn how to read people.

 It also helped the Academy members learn how to read people

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(Blackborne Team) I did not make the picture

The second team is the Toma team. This team started out as six members but one of the team members left and what his own way. First was Axel and Mark who started the team. Then Kevin joined next. The twins Brandon and Corey joined soon after Kevin did. The last to join the team was Raven. He had to be rescued from a Russian prison. When the Academy rescued him, he wanted to pay them back some how. So he joined and they have been a great team. Although after the team was made. Kevin started dating a bird. When fell in love with her, he decided to leave the Academy. The reason for this is you can't tell people Academy stuff unless their in the Academy. So Kevin chose his fiance and left the team. The toma team were highly depressed over what Kevin did, but later they moved on. Another guy that was on an off with the Toma tTeam was Blake. He did not join when the teams combined. This is what most of the brothers thought. Instead Kevin and Blake were actually on a covert mission. That only they and the team leads knew about.

 That only they and the team leads knew about

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(Toma Team) I did not make the picture

These two teams have always been close to each other. So close that they made the two teams into one. They are the biggest team in the whole academy. Because of this they did not want the team splitting up over a bird, or many birds. They decide they wanted to have what they have saw of Lillys team. Lily's team is made up of four dogs and one bird. The only way for this to work out. Is they all have to be in the same relationship. Like polyamory. In the academy they have a code word for men and women. So if they have to be on a mission. They know how to talk to each other, and no one understands it. For example, males in the academy are called dogs. Females in the academy are called birds.

This is the reason the Blackborne Toma team sat down and had a family meeting. In the academy they only have 4 rules. And one of those rules is family first, Academy second. The black-born Toma Team team decided they would all share the same bird. Luke has always talked about his and Sang growing up together for 6 years, until they were ripped apart. All the team felt like they knew her, but not the new her. Was she the same Sang? Will she be scared of them? Will she be into being with all of them? Only time will tell. First she had to wake up.

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