Chapter 12 Sangs Coma

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I wake up, and it's all dark all around me. As I walk I tried to find the light. I can hear many voices around me that I don't know who it is. The last thing I remember, is swimming in Nathan's pool with Victor and the kids. I then remember, the kids and I walking home. My step monster was in the kitchen waiting for us. I then remember her taking the kids upstairs and locking them in our room. Then she comes down and says to go to the bathroom upstairs. I waited so long, until she finally showed up. I was so scared when I saw what she had in her hand. She had a chair, tape, and rope. When she put the chair in the shower. I did not know what she was going to do. My step monster then told me to sit in the chair. She started tying my hands and feet to the chair, and also around my stomach. Then the stupid bitch put tape on my mouth. When I can't even talk from her stupid last punishment. I still feel the sores that the rope caused when it was cutting into my skin. Then my step-monster turns on the cold water of the shower. I thought great, she's trying to drown me, or freeze me to death. I was so wrong, she then turned on scalding hot water with no cold mixed in. The pain was so unbearable. I tried, I tried so hard, but I was unable to fight anymore. I failed my babies. It looks like I'm going to be punished in the after world for it. Suddenly I hear talking, and it keeps getting louder. I wonder who it is. Maybe I'll find out later, because I'm so sleepy again. I just want the pain to be over with. And my kids to be happy and safe.

Narrator P.O.V.

It's been a week since Sang was put into a medical induced coma. The academy board decided to put the Blackborne Toma team on medical leave. Since none of the guys would leave Sangs bedside. The whole team were taking short jobs to help each other out. For example Gabe's job was to get clothes for all the guys, and bring them up to the hospital room. He also did a lot of shopping online. To get clothes for Sang for when she woke up. He believed she would so he never said if. North and Silas's job was to get food from Uncles diner and bring it up to the room. Mr Blackburn and ask who are always making sure that sings medical bills were being taken care of. Corey and Victor was trying to find any information I'm Sang. Like where she lived, grew up, and who she was living with. They were also looking into her father. The only way they could find out where sang lived was going by when Marie was registered in school. Corey and Victor also found out, that Sangs kids were ghosts also. The whole team was worried the academy would try to take them away. For the Academy a ghost is like hitting gold. They can use them at one location with an alias. Then they can use them at another location with a different alias. They could always change the identity of all three of them. Because there was no medical records, public profiles, school records, or birth certificates. They were never registered anywhere. So that made them ghosts.

Lukie P.O.V.

We're all sitting here in the room with Sang, my cupcake. Everyone is doing their own thing. Some are sleeping. Some are reading, other are talking. I'm sitting here holding my cupcakes hand and praying that she wakes up. Please God don't bring her back to me. Just to take her away again. I then look at my cupcake. Then I start telling her all about how the team and I met. Also how much I've missed her. That we've looked for her forever. We just could never find her. They hid her so well. As I'm talking to my cupcake Sean comes in the room with Dr Roberts. Dr Roberts tells us that they need to run some tests on Sang. So Sean and Dr Roberts wheels Sang out of the room. Mr Blackborne ask Dr Roberts how long saying was going to be. Dr Robert said she will probably down there a few hours. So go refresh yourselves, take a shower, and just relax. She will be in good hands. He will let Sean stay with her the whole time. After it was just the guys and I in the room. We decided to do what Dr Robert said. So we all leave and take a shower. They decided to use the hospital showers since it was the Academy headquarters also.

Narrator P.O.V.
After a few hours later they wheel Sang back into the room. Dr Roberts and Sean both have happy faces. Dr Roberts let Sean tell the team the good news. Dr Shawn looks at his brothers, and says the brain bleed has stopped. A lot of the burns that they thought were third degree or mostly second. They feel like they can pulsing from the medical induced coma. The whole team gets very excited. Luke looks extremely happy, he is finally going to be able to talk to his Sang again his cupcake. He is also very nervous for some reason. So the team, uncle, and Dr Roberts decide they will wake Sang up tomorrow afternoon. They were all so happy, laughing, and joking again. Like all brothers do. Until they heard what sounded like a witch cackle say. You can't stop me from seeing my daughter. I have full custody of her. You can't keep her away from me. All the boys walk out of the room to see what is going on. When Luke looks like he wants to kill the person talking.

Lukie P.O.V.

Mrs Sorenson I wish I could say it was nice to see you and Marie again. I can guarantee that I and my brothers would kill you if you lay one finger on Sang. You do not have the right to see her, or get any information on how she is doing. As I'm saying this Marie tries to sneak past us all to go into Sangs hospital room. Like that would happen with all my brothers, uncle and Dr Roberts here watching. Mrs Sorenson says that if we don't let her see Marie. She will call the cops and press charges on the hospital for keeping her daughter away from her. Suddenly Mr Blackborne speaks up and says Ms Sorensen, there is evidence of child abuse. Therefore because of this the hospital is legally bound to keep Sang safe. There is one person on her records with this hospital. Which is strange because there is no trail on Sang anywhere. The one person who can let people see Sang is my Uncle. For some reason Sang did not trust her family to keep her safe. So at a very young age, she got a hold of the right people. That they were able to help her put uncle on one paper. If anything happened to Sang. He was to be contacted, and he was the only person to decide her care. Ms Sorensen you have no paperwork, you have no custody papers. You don't even have a birth certificate for Sang. So who's to say saying is actually your child. So I suggest you leave, unless you want to make trouble for your whole family. I do know that we will be seeing you soon. YOU BETTER HAVE A VERY GOOD LAWYER. Mr Blackborne said in a very stern way. Both of them walked away. But not before Sangs step mom asked where the kids were. When no reply was made. Marie said tell Sang if she doesn't want to lose poor Luke. She better keep her mouth shut. Then she left with her mom. All the boys did not know what to think of Marie's final words as she left. Wasn't Luke Sangs. They decided they had to talk to her kids. It was decided that Axel and Raven would go get the 2 kids, Jessica, and Erica and bring them up to the Academy headquarters. They would be more safe there. They could also talk to the kids. They hoped the kids could help them somehow. Even though they were only like two or three years old.

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