Chapter 42 The Anderson Team

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Henry Anderson P.O.V.

when are we ever going to catch a break. We have been working on the Volto case for years. We actually met our daughter and grandkids because of him. We were happy for that reason. We were just really ready to close this case of five years.

The five of us were sitting down having dinner. Lilly was sitting in Jack's lap. We have a poly relationship. In fact no one gets jealous of each other. Lilly makes sure she spends time with each one of us. So as we are eating, Liam gets a call from Owen Blackbourne. We answered fast, hoping nothing happened to our family. Owen asks us if we can come over to their house in the morning. The kids would love to see us. Plus he has something to talk about. He wants us to join in their family meeting. I tell him we will be there around 9:00am. He tells us thank you. Then hangs up. We all get a weird feeling about this call. I guess the only thing to do, was eat and then go to sleep. We were going to see our daughter and 2 grandkids in the morning.

The next day

Lilly Anderson P.O.V.

None of us got any sleep last night. I guess we were worried about the meeting this morning. I know Sang and the 2 kids is safe with the BlackbourneToma team. I have known them all for many years. Except for North, Silas, and Raven. It sucks that Blake and Kevin left the team. When they left the team, they basically left the family. No one has been in contact with them in over three years. About 8am the five of us loaded into our SUV and started driving to see Sang and the 2 kids. Plus we consider the BlackbourneToma team family also.

Narrator P.O.V.

About 45 minutes later, the Anderson team arrived at the Taylor Mansion. They pushed the security intercom button. The security team already knew the Anderson team was expected.

Axels P.O.V.

Wow I can't believe that my brothers have been undercover for three years. They had to go dark on everyone they knew. From what they told me, they have been through hell and back. Plus now their girl they have been with. The one that can get them close to Volto. They actually were in love with. Until recently when she started being more secretly. Plus she tells my brothers she was attacked at the mall. That it was so bad, she went to the hospital. Plus she was pregnant and had a miscarriage from it. From what Corey and Victor have found is that there are no police reports on the supposed attack on a Kali Winchester. No hospital records either. Although she could have used an alias. So we are still looking into anyone that was attacked that day. From 200 miles circumference. I really hope the news on Volto and the judge will not make Sang go into a deeper depression. I know she is a strong girl going through all she has been through. Plus having 5 kids now and she is only 17 years old. I know my brothers and I will be family to the 6 of them. Even if she decides she does not want a poly relationship. Which my brothers and I really hope she does. I look at the clock and notice it is around 8 am. When I hear a chorus of cries coming from the nursery. I rush to the triplets to take care of them. At least so Sang can get some more sleep. As I get there, I see most of my brothers felt the same way. We work in tandem to get the triplets fed, bathed, and dressed ready for the day. We put very cute alfits on them. Since today they are meeting their grandparents. We were actually stuck with them only in a blanket. Since they hate to be in close right now.

After the triplets were ready we quickly got Mel and little Luke ready. As we were getting them bathed. Brandon, Raven, and North surprised us with outfits for the 5 kids.

We're for the triplets. And

For little Luke

For Melodys outfit. Of course the older kids loved the outfits. So we put the biker clothes on the kids. When Sang walked in, she fell in love with the clothes. Which made all of us happy. We were all starting to go down to the dining room. Marc and North are cooking for breakfast. By the time the security at the gate. Rang us to tell us the Anderson team was here. We made sure the triplets were in their bassinets in the living room. The twins ( since both kids are the same age. It's easier to say twins lol) were in their new highchairs. When the Anderson team came in. As soon as the twins saw the team, they wanted out of their highchairs. So harry and Lilly grabbed both kids out. And they covered them in hugs and kisses. Plus Sang gave her parents hugs also. After everyone was getting ready to take a seat again. I guess the triplets wanted attention also. Because they took that moment to let out little baby cries. Lilly looked at us.

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