Chapter 13 Finding the Truth

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Narrator P.O.V.

About an hour after Sangs stepmom and sister left. Axel and Raven walk into the Academy headquarters. They have Erica, Jessica. And both kids with them. Jessica is carrying Luke, while Erica is holding Melody. Both kids seem to be very scared, and upset. They all get in the elevator and go to the top floor that the ICU is on. When the elevator doors open both kids look up and see Nathan and Victor. They start to wiggle to be let down. When the kids are set down. Luke runs to Victor, while Melody runs to Nathan. Both guys crouch down and picks up both kids.

Little Luke starts right away asking where their mom is at. If she is ok, and if they can see her. They take both kids into the meeting room. So they can see if they can find out, why Marie said what she did about little Luke.

Little Luke P.O.V.

Melody and I were asleep. When two men we never saw before knocked on our door. The one that looked like he had native American history in him. Spoke to us and told us to get up and go to the living room. That Erica and Jessica would be down soon. They were getting stuff ready. That we were going to a safer place because our family was trying to cause trouble. Since our mom was still sleeping. The big Russian guy said to stay where. The man with native American in him said Raven. It's stay there. The big Russian guy said, same. I thought I should shock the big dude and speak to him in his own native tongue. So I said, kto vy, rebyata, i kuda vy nas vezete. (who are you guys and where are you taking us)? Then Raven said back, Ty znayesh' russkiy, moy malen'kiy kotonok. (You know Russian, my little kitten). Who was this dude calling a kitten. I'm a fierce tiger. The funniest thing was the look on the big Russians face when Melody spoke back instead of me. Da, my umeyem govorit' po-russki. na samom dele my oba poka mozhem govorit' na 5 yazykakh. Nasha mama nauchila nas govorit' na yaponskom, grecheskom, russkom, nemetskom i angliyskom yazykakh. My takzhe znayem yazyk zhestov. (Yes we do know how to speak Russian. in fact we can both speak 5 languages so far. Our mom taught us how to speak Japanese, Greek, Russian, German, and English. We also know Sign Language.) Then Raven said your only two years old tho. I looked at him and said it was the only thing mom could do to keep us busy. If step monster could hear us out mom was the one punished. She took all our punishments. She made a deal with our Step monster and Marie. That she would never fight back, during her punishments. Then they would not be able to touch us. You could see the pain in everyones eyes when they heard what I said. Our mom was our hero, and will always be one to us. No one answered our question tho. Where are you taking us, and who are you. Jessica and Erica said they are our friends and we are all going to the place your mom is at. Then we all loaded up into the SUV the guys were driving. Then we drove fast but safe to where we were headed. When we got there we noticed, we were at a hospital. This is when my nerves, and fears started to get the best of Melody and myself.

We walked to the elevator and Axel pushed the 10th floor. When the doors opened on the 10th floor. We saw two people my mom trusted, and Melody and I ran to them. They both picked us up, and tried to calm us down. I asked Victor where our mom was, and he said let's go in this room, so we can talk privately. There were a lot of big guys in the waiting room. Most stayed behind, except a couple guys. One guy by the name Mr Blackborne (the guy was in a suit and tie, he look about 19 or 20. He has short brown hair and he wears black frame glasses). He looked like a professional. I did not know if I should straighten up, and sit very still. Even tho he looked like this we were not scared of him. The next guy was Axel that we met at the house.(Axel is native American, he has dark black hair hanging to his shoulders, dark eyes, and many tattoos). We were not afraid of him either. There was one guy that had blond hair. That reached to his lower back. He had it pulled back with a rubberband. No one introduced him to us. I guess he was not as important as the rest of them. He looked like he did not want to be here. That he wanted to be another place really badly.

Owen Blackborne P.O.V.

What does the team think, they're going to get out of asking two little kids questions. These kids look scared out of their mind. I feel like we're going to hit another brick wall. I wish these kids would be a lot older than they are. I'm also glad they're not because that would mean Sang had him at a younger age. I turned the Axle and ask him how we should proceed. I inform him, that we are wasting our time. Axel looks up at me, and says Owen these kids will shock you. Sang his taught them from a very young age. I can honestly say they are the only two kids. The only 2-year-old kids, that can speak five different languages. They also know sign language. So just trust me, and talk to them. I look at my brother axle and think he's lost it. I then think what can it hurt, we need to start somewhere.

I then look at the Little Luke and ask him, why Marie is threatening him alone. I tell him, how can they take him away from his mom. He looks at me with fear in his eyes, and starts crying and shaking back and forth. Melody runs over to him. She starts speaking some strange words I don't understand. She is speaking in a language. Actually it seems like she is mixing a lot of different languages up. I get up and go grab Victor and Nathan. They come in and try to calm Little Luke down. Neither one of them can calm him down. Then Luke walk over to Little Luke and says, hi Luke, I am your mom's friend. I'm also Named Luke. Your mom used to call me Lukie when we were very young. Both kids look up with such happiness in their faces. You could actually see little stars twinkling in their eyes. Melody walks up to Luke and says we know who you are. Our mom always talks about you and Uncle. Wait if your here, where is Uncle. We really want to meet him too. You two brought joy into our mom's life when she was young. Everytime we moved, she would always look for you two. About 6 months ago we met a women by the name Lilly. She said she knew you both. That she worked for the same company. So mom asked if she could add Uncle to our emergency contact. Also all 3 of our guardians. She said she will, then said something about a Academy adoption. We could not talk longer because Marie came over and stopped us. She then made us leave. Then we packed up and left the state. Our mom was punished so badly that time. She almost died. Step monster grabbed her and stuck her head under water. She kept it there until mom almost passed out. Then she let her catch her breath and kept doing it. Please sirs don't make mom and us go back there. We are smart we can leave and go quiet. No one would see us again. Mom said we could even move out of the country. Little Luke looks at Luke and says. Mom named me after you. She said you're a great person. Please don't let them send us back. Luke with tears in his eyes grabs both kids in a hug. He tells them both. They will never go back there ever again. Little Luke looks up at me and says. The answer to your question. Is a very hard one to answer. Maybe I should explain a little how Melody and I came to be.

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