Chapter 17 Young Dr.Phil Roberts

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Dr. Roberts P.O.V.

I feel my body slowly getting weaker, then my eyesight goes black. When I open my eyes, I see myself but I am much younger. I am driving home to my family. I have been getting off my job at the Academy a lot earlier than I used to. My beautiful wife is 8 months pregnant. I can't believe I'm going to be a dad. I've waited so long. We had to do in vitro fertilization. (IVF) We had to try three times, until we finally seceded. I still can remember her coming up to me. She was all smiles and excited. She told me there was a surprise in the oven. To go look at what we cooked. I was thinking wow is my wife going crazy. I walked over to the oven, and opened it up. I saw one bun in the oven. I asked her if she was mad at me. Because she only made one bun for me for dinner. She looked at me and said, I thought Academy men were supposed to be smart. I looked again, put my brain to work. I repeated the bun in the oven over and over again. Then it hit me. The bun in the oven was my beautiful, gorgeous, wife was pregnant. We both were ecstatic we finally were going to have a child of our own. Little did we know, that one child would turn to three.

Back to driving home Memory

When I reached home, I hollered for my beautiful wife. When there was no answer. I walked upstairs to our room. The room was destroyed. Everything was thrown all over, things were broken, cut up. Plus everything was covered in blood. I did not know if it was human blood, or animal blood. What was supposed to be a relaxing evening with my wife, turned into my worst nightmare. Then on the mirror was a picture of her, tied up and gagged. There was a note next to it I opened it up and it said.

 There was a note next to it I opened it up and it said

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That day I made a huge mistake. That I will regret every day for the rest of my life. I grabbed my medical bag, ultrasound machine, and anything else I would need. Then I drove to the address. My mistake was not to call the academy. I did not know who I was dealing with. I did not know if the phones were hacked into, or if there was a bug anywhere. So I did not want to take a risk on my wife and baby's safety. When I got to the address it was a run-down old home / mansion.

 When I got to the address it was a run-down old home / mansion

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I very carefully looked around. I had my gun in my hands. I was trained for this type of situation. I was Academy smart, and I knew what to look out for. When all of a sudden a man was standing on the porch. I looked around and my wife was not with him. He told me, if I don't drop the gun. Someone he knew that had my wife would kill her. So I did what he said and followed him to the basement. When we got there a young very pregnant lady was tied to a hospital bed. I looked around for my wife. She was nowhere to be found. I did not know if I should be happy that she's not here. Or if I should be sad that she's not here. The man knew who I was looking for. He said my wife was not here, but if I did everything he wanted me to. My wife would be released and unharmed. He explained the young lady was pregnant with his child. She took off with her lover and hid from him. He found her, and killed her lover. Then put chloroform on a rag and knocked her out. He then brought her here, and tied her to the bed. He told me he wanted me to see how far along she is. I had a very bad feeling he was wanting me to induce her. When I hooked her up to the ultrasound machine. I saw a tiny little baby girl, about 8 months along. As I looked harder, I saw another two babies. One was a boy, one was a girl. So when I told the man that she was 8 months along. He told me, he has waited enough. To induce his ex-girlfriend, because he wanted his daughter Sang. As I was telling the man this information, the young lady woke up. He screamed at her and called her Melody. He told her, that he was taking their child and she will never see her again. She looked at the man, and screamed his name Steven. She told him, he will never raise any of her children ever. That it would be over her dead body. Steven ignored her, he looked at me and told me to induce her labor. That he wants his daughter to take her home. To his wife and daughter. But Melody hears this she begs me not to induce her labor. I tell her I have to because he has my very pregnant wife I look at Steven and tell him okay, but he has to leave the room for a bit. Steven does not like what I tell him. He tells him that he should be able to be here. I tell him that Melody is so scared of Steven that her blood pressure is going very high. Which is causing the baby to go into distress. Steven still did not want to leave, but he agrees to a few minutes. Then he leaves the room. I look at poor Melody and tell her I know she is pregnant with triplets. That I will not tell Steven about them. She suddenly starts to calm down. You can see the signs of her body relaxing. Then you can see the fear in her eyes, and her face. Her body goes all rigid and stiff. Then she starts to hemorrhage very badly. I know from her hemorrhaging that she needs to get the kids out as soon as possible. I also know that I have to do a C-section. I tell her this, and say that if we do this C-section. She is too weak, that it will probably kill her.

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