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20 years later


I can't believe how my life has turned out. As I watch our beautiful daughter Melody participating in her own bonding ceremony. You can see the happy face she has on her. Especially when she is marrying her soul mates. I could tell early on that she wanted what her dads and I have. I get pulled out of my head when LJ runs up to me, to pick him up. He is so adorable. He looks just like his father. I could not believe it when our son told us his wife was pregnant. The way they told us, was they stopped by the house one day. Then as we were all visiting and talking. LJ looked up at his dad Luke. He asked him if he could put senior after his name. Because his son would now be called LJ. And he would be just luke now. I squealed like a little girl that day.

When I bend over to pick him up. I think to myself, it feels like yesterday I was holding his father in my arms. Time flies by so fast. I ended up making sure each one of my husbands has a biological child. Well Brandon and Cory decided to give me twins each. Which was a great surprise, since they both got me pregnant at the same time. Let me tell you pushing four kids out is a pain in the ass. Even though I forgot all the pain I was in, when they were placed on my belly. We also ended up adopting a few kids also. When Sean was at work, he called me one day. Asking if I could help him out. Of course any chance to help one of my men. I jump to it. When he told me he had a newborn girl, whose mother died giving birth. Apparently the father beat her so bad. It was a miracle the baby lived. So when he asked me to do skin to skin. I agreed right away. When I held the little girl in my arms. I knew I was never giving her up. When we put into the process of adopting. We found out she had an older brother and sister. They were six and seven years old. Of course we adopted them also. Then there were a few other cases when we took more children in. I guess with sixteen men, I had all the help I needed. Plus Gabe always wanting to shop and decorate the rooms. All together we had twenty five kids. With the last ones moving out and going to college, or joining the academy. Out huge mansion is suddenly becoming very quiet.

When Melody and her five men kiss each other. I thought to myself. I hope they have a happily ever after like her father's and I have. Yes we have had a lot of heartache. But we also had a lot of great memories. That I would not change for the world. Except spending more time with my grandparents. They all have passed away of natural causes. With their deaths, some of our kids stepped up. Let's just say the Mafias and Cartel have never been the same.

When Northstar walks up to me hugging me from behind. I give him a small squeeze. I tell him Uncle Taylor was watching us, from where ever in the sky he is at. He died about five years ago. He was on an academy mission when a stray bullet went to hit a young child. He jumped in the way. He died a hero, he even earned a Sacred Heart. It is like a purple heart, but it's the academy one.

Jessica ended up falling in love with her highschool sweetheart. They have been married for 10 years now. They have a five year old son. Which is a little book work already. Just like his Uncle Kota. Erica ended up getting married to one of her past loves. She has been happier ever since. William and Zamir joined an academy team. The team ended up claiming one bird. She is the sweetest person I know. Aria left everything to do with the academy, she never even got back with her ex boyfriend. She did end up meeting a young man, and moving to Texas with. They have 2 beautiful children. She was so pissed when they both told her they wanted to join the academy. She later on had to accept it.

When all the danger passed us. Raven and a few of my men decided it was time to hunt. After 2 years, they finally found what they were hunting from. When I saw the bloody corpse of Steven. I felt a huge relief lift off my shoulders. My evil stepmom died from cancer. Apparently she was on some horrible medicine, which supposedly warped her mind. She died all alone. Marie went to prison, she got life behind bars. She supposedly went nuts after both her parents were gone. That she went severely mad. Which is why she is in the Academy nut house.

Thank you all so much for following and reading my story. I have got so many likes and views that surpassed what I thought.

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