Chapter 8 Sangs New Punishment

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Narrator P.O.V.

As the kids get home Sangs step monster stop them from leaving the kitchen. Then she grabs both toddlers and locks them in Sangs and their room. She then tells Sang to go upstairs to the bathroom and wait on her. Sang does as she is told. She tells herself she will fight to live through this punishment. She has two children counting on her. She looks outside and sees it's dark out. Then she looks at the stars and sees her Northern star. She also sees the shooting star. It makes Sangs will to live even stronger. She thinks to herself maybe my true happiness is around the corner. I just hope it's soon. Please let it be soon. She thinks with hope and tears in her eyes.

Back at Kotas house all 14 guys are there. They're having a family meeting. All of them are talking about different things. When Owen and Axel make them calm down. Owen says we have many things to talk about today. He then goes into talking about their new assignment at Ashley Waters high School. He tells them that this could be the break day of needed and wanted. That this one mission can help them all graduate from the Academy. He then goes around to each of his team members. And asked how each one of them is doing and their families. When all the reports are said. They all start to discuss the two topics they had for today. The first one being Jessica's new friend. They needed to see why she was not able to hang out with Jessica. The second thing they needed to talk about, was this young mother with two beautiful children. As they are talking about these two subjects. They hear someone walking through the door. When they look up they notice it's Jessica. Kota asks his sister why she is home this early? She says she has a bad feeling something is soon to happen. The guys all look at each other because they know to trust her gut feeling. She has never been wrong in the past. About this time they all hear a quiet but gentle knocking at the door. Jessica goes to answer it, when she is stopped by Axel. When he opens the door, he gets a shock of his life.

Back at Sang's house

Sang waiting for her step-monster to come give her the punishment she expected. She gets a fear deep down when she noticed her stepmother is carrying a chair, tape, and a rope with her. She puts the chair in the shower and tells Sang to sit in it. After Sang sits, she is tied to the chair with the rope. She can already feel the Sting from the ropes. Then her mouth is taped so she can't scream. Even though Sang has no voice to scream. Then the step-monster turns the shower on pure cold water. If pound sink skin for about 5 minutes. Sang is so cold she feels like she is an icicle. All she wants is for her stepmom to add a little hot to the water to make it warm at least. If she's trying to drown Sang at least do it with warm water. Then all of a sudden the evil monster turns off the cold water. Now it's just that scalding water pounding on her. Sang is in pure agony. She feels nothing but pain. She starts to get sleepy even tho she is in severe pain. It feels like her skin is being burnt away. She wonders when this pain will end. Knowing the evil monster is enjoying this too much.

But now the monster takes Marie and goes to her boyfriend's house. Leaving Sang in this punishment. Sang is fighting to stay awake, but it's just too hard too. With all the blood loss, the beatings from before, and now the scalding hot water. Sang is finding it hard to fight to stay alive. To keep the will to survive for her children. Sang starts feeling herself slowly fading away into the darkness that she once welcomed. The last thing she does is send a prayer that her children would be looked after. Plus taken away from this awful situation.

At this exact same time the kids start to wake up from their sleep. They fell asleep crying and hitting the door because they don't know where their mom is or if she is hurt. That's when Mel notices the bedroom doors open slightly. When they walk through they noticed the shower is on. They get a bad feeling and slowly open the door. What meets their eyes is a terror that no kid or child should ever witness. Their mother is tied to a chair, and not moving, she is barely breathing and the smell of blood is in the air. Luke runs up to his mom and rips the tape off her mouth. Trying to get her to wake up. After a couple minutes they decide to call 911. Even if they will get in trouble for doing so. They run downstairs and notice there is no phone in the whole house. The evil monster has took all the phones, so they can't get help for their mom. This is a way for the monster to punish the two kids. For not listening to her. About this time Mel remembers Jessica lives right across the street. So Luke and Mel decides to run to Jessica's house. Both of them knock on the door crying their little eyes out. When they see a big man answering the door. Luke talks first through tears all he says is Jessica.

At Kotas and Jessica's house

As soon as Axle opens the door. There is no one there. Just the dark cold of the night. When he goes to close the door, he hears a small sniffle and looks down. He sees two toddlers crying one boy and one girl. He looks around trying to find the parents. His heart starts to feel sorry for the kids whoever they are. They are probably lost. As he starts to talk to the kids, Owen hollers in the background who is it Axel. Axel hollars back two toddlers one boy and one girl. Nate and Victor run to the door. As they get there they hear little Luke say one word Jessica. When the two kids see Nate and Victor they run to them for support. They both grabbed the kids hugging them to try and calm them down. Jessica sees them and asks one question. One question that will change these 14 men's lives forever. One that will put fear in one of the mans face. One that'll take the daydream out this one certain person. The question Jessica asked them was Luke, Mel where's Sang? Both kids start crying and shaking horribly again.

Luke's P.O.V.

Wait did she just say Sang. This can't be, this can't be the one person that uncle and all 14 of us have been looking for. 13 men turn to me with worry in their eyes. It can't be my Sang. She is living in another country with her dad happily. Wait can it be her, can it be my Sang. Sang is a very unique name. You don't hear around here much, or not at all. It can't be, can she be the one to fall back into my life? Wait the kid's names are Melody like a song, like very close to Sang. Oh my God the boys name is luke. It can't be what is happening to make these two kids cry so badly.

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