Chapter 49 Safe or Not?

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First I would like to tell all my readers, thank you so much. I can't believe how much people like my story. I was really nervous to even try and write it on here. So far I have received no hate mail, even though I know my story has a lot of mistakes in it. I will go back and edit the story once it's finished. So again thank you, and also thank you for all the likes. You guys are the best.😃😍


Sean's P.O.V.

I can't believe how much my family has been through these last few years. First we finally find Luke's cupcake, and Corys Poppet. Then we find out they are the same person. I just want to wake up one day, and everyone is safe. That there will be no threats. Who would have thought Volto would be one step ahead of us. Then to also find out he has many big wigs backing him.

When we left the hospital, I jumped into the Vehicle where my best friend/brother was driving. We put Alissa, little Cory, and Lilly in with us. Plus Blake was also in our SUV. He was making sure the three babies were safe. As Owen is driving we get a red line from Cory saying he has a tail. That a vehicle was following them. We told them to be safe. Just as Owen says this we hear gun shots going off on their end. We start to hear our brothers in pain. Cory telling Nate to grab North because he was shot. I quickly ask for a report. I know this is what Owen does. But it is actually quite sufficient. No one says anything for awhile, until Kevin does a conference call with everyone. He tells us North was shot in the chest. That he is losing a lot of blood fast. Then he says that Kota was shot, he can't see where, but he looks really bad. Like he is barely hanging on. Kevin says Cory was shot in the arm, and stomach. Then he says he was shot in the arm. I get into doctor mode and tell my brothers how to temporarily help out. I ask tell them that we will get the trauma rooms ready at the safe house. As I am explaining all this, I hear a loud crash. My heart skips a beat, thinking we just lost family members. Until Raven explains he rear ended the tail following Kevin's SUV. I know that Gabe switches with Kevin and he is driving the SUV now.

We pull up at the safe house about 15 minutes later. We are the first car to make it here. We quickly grab a kid each and get into the house. We have no crib for them. Except there is a few play pens in the storage closet. Blake quickly starts to set them up. So we can lay our kids down. I quickly run to the basement where the trauma/surgery rooms are located. I start getting everything together, for what ever conditions our brothers are in. As I'm setting up surgery trays. Owen hollars down that Axel just pulled in. He had with him LJ, Mel, Harry, Alex, Victor, and Pookie. They all get into the safe house safe. I can tell that Pookie is really stressed out. She also looks way to week. I quickly take her in a bedroom, then I set up an IV drip. Plus I hook her up to a heart monitor, and BP machine. Now we are waiting on the last two cars. Which we know are the ones with our injured brothers in them.

Blake P.O.V.

As we are waiting on the last two cars to show up. I get the kids all situated. In the first playpen we put the girls, Alissa, and Lilly. The second playpen we put the boys. It has Cory, Alex, and Harry in it. LJ and Mel are in the room with Sang. They want to be with her most of the time. I get that, they had to see all the torture that Volto put their mom through. I still can't believe that Sang is the mother to our twins. Don't get me wrong, I am flored through the moon. That Kali Winchester is not the twins mom. I just wonder how Volto was able to do that. I can see something is really bothering Sang. I know I just met her, that the others know her better. I just feel it in my heart, that we need to tell her about the twins being hers, and fast.

All of a sudden I hear Axel scream to everyone that our last two vehicles just showed up. Gabe and Luke is carrying Kota. Sean tells them to put him in trauma one. Then I see Raven and Silas grabs North. Sean tells them to put him in trauma two. The next ones carrying one of our brothers is Brandon, and Marc. They are carrying Cory. He looks really bad. Sean tells them to put him in the OR room right away. I can tell the way Sean's face is, that this is really bad. Kevin walks in next. He has a belt around his arm. Sean puts him in trauma four. I guess he is saving trauma bay three for Cory. I go to sit in the room with Kevin to keep him company.

Sean P.O.V.

I quickly set up stations for my brothers to give blood. I know that we are going to go through a lot of blood bags. There are some here, but it doesn't look like it will be enough. I leave Owen and Victor to run the blood draws. I quickly grab what I need for Cory. I know he has lost a lot of blood, and time is the essence. I grab Nate to help me with Coreys surgery. I quickly grab the Ultrasound machine to check if any damage to any major organs. I notice that he is a lucky one. No major organs were hit. He also has an exit wound where the bullet exited his body. A stomach injury can lead to life threatening injuries. I quickly put in a urine catheter. This will tell me if he has blood in his urine. To also check kidney function. His urine looks good. So I grab a few bags of blood, and IV stand. I hang two bags of O negative blood. Along with fluids, antibiotics, and pain medication. I also have Nate give him a tetanus vaccine. I open up his stomach injury first. I make sure no bone fragments, or gun poweder residue is left behind. I stitch him up. Plus use Staples on his top layer. I then see the bullet just grazed his arm. So a quick clean up, and bandage it. He should make a full recovery. We take Cory to trauma room three. I ask my brothers to clear up the OR 1. Then to put North in it. I really need to get another one of my brothers in the medical field. Or maybe my Pookie. I would love to work with her.

Then we grab Kota, plus two more bags of blood. Then head to the OR 2. Kota looks really rough. I quickly cut off his shirt. I noticed he took three bullets. One to the upper chest, one to his shoulder, and one to his stomach. I grab the Ultrasound machine, check the damage of what the bullets did. The one in his shoulder just barely grazed his rotator cuff. The one to his chest just missed his heart. It did strike his ribs. That will be a painful recovery. The one to his stomach hit is lower intestines. The bullet is also still in them. So I quickly open him up. I dig around to find the bullet. I see it completely tore his lower intestines in half. It also burnt part of them too. I have to cut a portion off. Then I have to make a tube of some kind device to reattach his lower intestines together. I run to the med room and see we have a pig intestine I could use. I thank my lucky stars. Then rush back to Kota. I work on his surgery for four hours. But I finally get him closed up and stable for now. Now it's up to him if he wakes back up. We quickly take him back to his room.

I then go to Norths OR. He already got three bags of fluid, and two bags of blood. I tell Nate to grab another two bags of blood. Then I run the same steps with him that I did my other two brothers. As I'm doing the ultrasound on North, Owen walks in the room. Well by the door. He has a mask over his face. He tells me Kevin's bullet went straight through. All we need to do is clean it, and pack the wound, then bandage it. I ask him if he can do it. He tells me yes, then walks out to take care of Kevin. He will also need a sling for his arm too. I get back to working on North. I can feel my body wanting to give out on me. I fight it, I really need to work on, without surgery. He might not make it. I see the bullet hit his upper chest. It went through his left chest plate. I work on him for three hours. I finally get him stable, and we take him back to his room. I get to the living room, and pass out on the couch. I was operating for 13 hours. Also on my own family members. I tell my brothers to wake me if they need me. Then I'm out. I feel someone life me, I notice it's Raven. He could lift a tank if he wanted too. He puts me in bed with my Pookie. I tell him thank you. I wrap my arm around her and fall back asleep. About an hour later I feel the bed dip. I get a smell of old spice and know that Owen has joined us. He takes pookies front, and I took her back. We settle into a perfect sleep. At least one that is okay. I still worry about all my brothers. I will until they wake up.

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