Chapter 48 Family Complete

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Sangs P.O.V.

The next morning comes way too soon. I am wrapped up between two of my boys. My boys, that sounds perfect to me. I keep my eyes closed, trying to will myself back to sleep.
I force my eyes open when I hear my babies start to cry because they are hungry. I slowly look at all my boys in the room. I then ask them if they can step out of the room for a bit. So I can feed my babies. All of a sudden I get a depressed feeling. I realize that the twins are not my kids. The guys could see something was wrong with me. That's when Mr Blackbourne asks me what made my happy mood turn sour. I tell him it's nothing and try to brush it off. I then put a fake smile on my lips. One that does not reach my eyes. The guys could see that I was lieing to them. When Axel tries to ask me something else. Erica and Jessica see I don't want to explain what I was thinking. They get up and rush everyone out of the room. Erica helps me sit down in a rocking chair. She places a boppy pillow on my lap. Then she helps place Alissa and Lilly so I can breast feed both girls. The boys always make sure they give me time to feed their sisters. Even though the 5 youngest are only a year old. They still have a bond together. I just wish the twins were mine also. The five always seem to share a connection between each other. I hate that we have to split them up. I wonder if Kevin and Blake will bring the twins by to visit. I think Erica sees where my mind has gone, especially by the tears in my eyes. She hugs me and tells me that every thing will work out in the long run. I don't see how that is, but I will give her the benefit of the doubt. After a bit, Jess takes the girls, then Erica places Harry and Cory next so I can feed them. Then Erica takes Lilly and Jess takes Alissa, to also feed them formula. I noticed both girls finish pretty fast, and fall back asleep after being changed. I am so grateful to Erica and Jess for all their help. I then give the two boys to Jess and Erica so they can also give them so formula. I then grab my pacient baby Alex and feed him next. He is a sweetie pie. He always makes sure the other babies are cared for first. I also think he likes last because he gets me all to himself. After I notice my milk is out. I quickly give him some formula, change him, then lay him down with the others. I then start to feel very week. I guess I'm pushing myself to fast. That as I am walking back to the bed. I feel my legs give out from under me. Then I tumble to the hard hospital room floor. Erica rushes to me to make sure I'm ok. I know Jess probably pushes my call light, plus runs to the door screaming for Sean. I then notice I feel something running down my face. I know I'm not crying, so I use my hand to touch the substance. When I notice it was my blood, everything rushes up to me. Then I see dark spots in front of me. I fight them off, but I am to week to fight, then the darkness takes over me.

Sean P.O.V.

All my brothers and I are sitting in the waiting room. We were kicked out of Pookies room, so she can feed our babies. LJ and Mel are asleep on the couch in the room. We are all talking about what our next plans are. Plus how we can't wait to get our family home. As we are figuring out how to handle the Academy situation. We all decide to take Sang and the kids to a safe house. One that the Academy doesn't know about.

When all of a sudden we hear a loud noise. Then we notice Sangs call light turn on. As we all go to check on if they accidentally pushed it. Sang door opens hard, and Jess scream my name. I start to run to the room, that's when I notice my Pookie on the floor. She is on Erica's lap out cold. Then I noticed she has a towel up to pookie's head. And it's covered in blood. I quickly rush to her. Another nurse rushes in and hand me a neck brace. Then also gives us a board to put her on. We get her strapped in, then we rush her to get a catscan and X-rays. I know my family will make sure the kids are safe and cared for. Now I just have to make sure the mother to our children was also taken care of.

When we make it to CT we quickly do a bunch of scans. I make sure we check everything. I noticed she has a few broken ribs. Everything else seems ok. Even her concussion seems to be a lot better. Her X-rays come back clean also. As we get back to her room. We wheel her in, then transfer her to the bed. I take off the neck brace. Then I tell the staff that it is ok for them to leave. Then all that's left in the room is Pookie, the kids, and my brothers. I tell them that pookie is ok. She is just a little weak from the blood loss. As I'm explaining to them the results. Dr Roberts walk through the door. He hands me a sealed envelope. When I ask him what it is. He explains to me that it is the rape kit we did on Sang. That's when all our faces get the worried look. Then Owen tells North to call Uncle in. Even though pookie turned 18 already. Wow I can't believe we missed her 18th birthday. I know all of my family will make up for it. We also missed the birthdays of all of our kids.

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