Chapter 53 Time Marches On

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First I would like to thank all my readers for following my story. I know there are a few mistakes. I'm writing this all on my cell phone. With the Auto correct and suggestive stuff. It makes it kind of hard. I will go back through when I'm done to fix the mistakes. Again thank you so much for reading and the likes.

Narrator P.O.V.

North had been in a coma for another month after Kota woke up. He is basically on life support. It hurts his family so much to see him fade away this way. Dr Sean Green has done brain scans on him. The scans still show some brain activity. Sean is really taking Norths injury hard. But the one who is taking it the hardest is Sang. She believes that it is her fault why this has happened. We find Sang on the floor in her bathroom all a mess.


Why does everyone I care about suffer because of me. My North Star is in a coma, probably not going to make it. If he dies I don't think I could go on. I am currently sitting on the floor crying my eyes out. I am in so much pain. I just want this pain to go away. Believe me I have dealt with all kinds of pain. My step family abusing me. Finding out my real parents are dead. The stuff Volto has put me through. Was not as painful as this. I can't even look my loved ones in the eye anymore. I know they blame me. I see the silent talk that they do. They think I'm not looking. But I am. I just want there stares and pity to go away. I crawl over to the cabinet where Meanie keeps our toiletry items. I grab the bag and go through it. I find just what I'm looking for. I grab my shaver out of the bag. I break the razer off. I put the bag back in the cabinet where I found it. I then go to sit in front of the bathroom door. I don't want to be interrupted for what I have to do. I know Luke could get in here with his lock picking skills. I slowly take the razer and put it to my lower arm. I push down just enough and drag it across my lower arm. Not a lot to kill me. Just enough to stop the pain I am feeling. I do this about four times. I drop the razer when the inside pain finally mellows out. I notice I'm starting to bleed on the floor. So I quickly grab some tissue, and peroxide. I clean up the cuts. Then I wrap them with a gauze. I'm used to this part from all the beatings I received in the past. As I'm putting a long sleeve shirt on. I hear a knock at my door. When I open it up, I see my baby LJ. I bend down to pick him up. I feel a pain from him accidentally hitting one of the cuts. He sees me twitch a bit. He looks at me worried, asking if he hurt me somehow. I give my baby a kiss. I tell him that no. I am just a little sore still. He believes me. I feel a stab to my heart from having to lie to my son. I have never lied to them ever. Now when I'm supposed to be happy, and carefree. I find my mind going to darker places. LJ and I walk into the livingroom where most of my family is at. LJ squirms for me to put him down. When I do Raven quickly grabs me and puts me in his lap. Raven I'm much to heavy, put me down. There is plenty of space for me to sit by myself. Kitten just sit still, you will never be to heavy for me. I am still squirming around. When I start to feel Raven Jr start coming alive. I start to jump up, but Raven quickly grabs me. When he grabbed me his hand went around my arm. I wince at the pain it caused me. Dr Sean notices when I do. He tells me Pookie are you still hurting some. I think you still have some of your pain medication in my bag. No, Dr Sean. I just slept on my side wrong. I'm ok it only hurts a tad bit. He nods his head, telling me he heard me. But I see the look in his eyes. He wonders if I'm still hurt from what Volto did to me. We have been here a while. He has to know that I'm am pretty much healed from that. Again everyone is giving me that sad pitty look again. This just pisses me the fuck off. I make Raven put me down. I then stomp my way to my NorthStars room.

When I get to Norths room. I feel the tears start to swallow my face again. I sit in a seat by his bed. I grab his hand. Then I start talking to him.

Sang to her Northstar

My NorthStar how I want you to wake up for us. I need you in my life. You are the reason I feel like I'm home again. I don't know what I will do if you leave me here without you. Yes I have your brothers. But they are not you. Each one of you puts my puzzle pieces together. Each one of you hold a piece of my heart. I can't believe you got hurt because of me. If I could trade places with you, I would in a heart beat. I know you would all take care of the children. Plus you all would be able to find someone to love again. After awhile you will see that time marches on. Please North come back to us. We need you so much. I need you so much. I need you to make sure I eat healthy. That I don't do anything stupid. LJ wants you and Brandon to teach him how to work on cars. Also how to drive a motorcycle. The way he puts it, how to catch the hot chicks. North please wake up for me. I need to feel grounded again. I'm in so much pain, I just want it to stop. I just told my first lie today. It was to my baby LJ. How could I lie directly to his face. But I have too. I can't let him, or them know my dark secret. They would be so mad and pissed. They would look at me with more pitty.

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