Chapter 7 Sorensons New Home

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Narrator P.O.V.

A little after sang was hanging the clothes her stepmother decided to call sang and the kids in. She had seen Sang talking to the neighborhood girl and she was fuming. She locked Luke and Mel and Sang in their room. Then she made Sang kneel in rice for hours. After she had her kneeling in rice, she kicked her, and punched her until Sang was so weak and exhausted. When she noticed Sang was tired, sore, and weak. She started to make the lemon and vinegar concoction. She would force it down Sang's throat again. She thought this will stop the little whore from talking to anyone now for a while. Sangs step mom was trying to get rid of Sang and her two brats once and for all. She decided that she wore herself out, and she needed a strong drink. Then went to her room.

After Sang was able to throw up most of it. She picked herself off the floor, cleaned herself up, then went to her kids. They both were crying, they were scared that their mom would get hurt so bad. But this time she would not have the option to leave this world behind. Sang grabs both her kids, and calms them down. She told both kids that everything will be okay once she reaches 18 years old. She then helped both kids put on clothes, and she took them for a walk in the woods. By the time they snuck out of their house, Sangs voice was gone. The three of them walked into the woods. They were pretty far away till they found a tree that was knocked down. The kids and Sang decided to play there. While they played hide and seek, the kids said, mommy you found us. Sang was almost in tears with how much pain she was actually in. She just smiled and hid her pain from her beautiful children. As they were playing two boys walked up to them.

Nathan P.O.V.

I just got done with my karate and Victor met me at my house. We were going to help North and Luke our brothers with their diner. As we took the shortcut through the woods. We heard two voices playing. When we got closer there was a girl with beautiful long wavy hair. When she saw us, you could see the fear in her eyes. It was not like it was us she feared, but something terrible. One of the kids with her said Mommy we need to leave now or the monster will give us punishments. Then the boy child looked up at the girl and said Mommy we are not allowed to talk to anyone. If Marie sees us we will be severely punished. I felt the blood in my body boil. There was something seriously wrong. Why were two kids calling the girl around 16 to 17 years old Mommy why was the girl looking like she had been through hell and back. She tried to talk to them and us but no sound came out. I wonder if she is a mute. Victor looked at me and did our silent look of talking. He also did not like this odd situation. That's when I looked at both kids and asked if they were hungry. We could go to my house and I was ordering pizza. Both kids looked up with hope in their eyes. I think what sealed the deal was my in ground pool. They looked up to their mom and she did a yes nod. Great now we can see who these three people were. Also if she was the mom to both of the children.

As we walked back I sent a text to our group chat. Luke North we can't come to help you at the diner today. We think we have a serious situation here. That's when my phone blew with text from everyone

Mr. Blackborne: report Nathan
Dr. Green: Nathan do I need to come over with my medical bag.
Nathan: I don't think so right now Sean. While Victor and I was walking through the woods. We came across a girl about 16 or 17 years old. She looks like she is in a lot of pain. You can see the haunted eyes in her and two toddlers with her. Which both kids are calling her mom.
Marc: it could be the young girl is babysitting the kids.
Victor: I don't think so mark. Not as close as these two kids are to her. They have to be her kids.
Nathan: exactly Victor the kids were calling her mom. Then the kids spoke to her saying stuff about punishments. They were going to be punished for talking to people. Both kids are terrified.
Raven: young kitten with two baby kittens, need to buy fruit cup now.
Brandon: no Raven
Raven: all but little kitten need help with baby kittens. Especially if she is as young as you say.
Cory: no Raven get your head out of the gutter.
Raven: what my head is on my body and I'm not in a gutter. You strange Cory. But I still love you.
Cory: no Raven it's just a saying. I need to pick my words better with you.
Axel: back to the problem at hand, Nathan, Victor have you tried talking to the girl about what is going on.
Victor: that's the thing sir. She tries to talk but she can't. I think she might be a mute.
Luke: North and I have been reading this and North wanted me to tell you that we are on our way to kota's now. We can talk about this when we get there.
Mr. Blackborne: sounds like a good plan Mr Taylor Senior.
Silas: I will pick up anyone that need a ride.
Axel: I'm with corey, brandon, Mark and Raven now so I can bring the five of us.
Gabe: Silas can you pick me up
Kota: okay see you on a bit. My mom went out and bought stuff for tonight. Her and Jessica has plans for the night. My mom has to work at the hospital. And Jessica is going to her friend's house. Jessica also asked me for us to talk about the girl from earlier that made her cry. I wonder if it's the same person or sister.
Nathan: it can't be her, this girl's a mute.
Victor: got to go the kids are excited to go into the pool. Sang is watching the kids and helping them enjoy the pool. But i can tell she is afraid something's going to happen.

 But i can tell she is afraid something's going to happen

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(Nathan's pool)

Narrator P.O.V.

After they all played in the pool for awhile. The pizza finally gets there. Little Luke hollars yeah pizza. Everyone laughs and go to the picnic table to eat. When they all were done Sang looks at both kids and motions that it's time to go. She tells both Nate and Vic with her hands thank you. Then the three of them head home. So Nathan and Victor head over to Kota's. Since they are a little late already. When they walk in everyone else is there also. Everyone starts talking when Victor looks at Luke and says hey Luke do you know them. Is there something your not telling us. Just joking around with him. Luke says no why do you say that. Nathan just shrugs and says because one of the children is named Luke. They all start laughing and then North asks what the girls name were. Victor says the child's name is Melody, but they cal her Mel for short. The mom's name we don't know. Since she doesn't talk at all. She just signs everything to the kids. Both kids call her mom only no other name. They did say their Aunt and Grandma live in the house with them. The kids call them both monsters. This makes Luke go into his head again. He remembers how Sangs sister's name was Marie. He wonders how Sang is doing now. She is probably having a sleepover with her friends. One that he and her never had together. He wonders if she has a boyfriend, what she looks like now. If only he knew he would soon find out, and it would crush him.

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