Chapter 38 Bad Guys

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Kevin and Blake had to wait until the night shift. They know from experience, this is the shift with less police officers. So when 8pm came around. They decided they waited long enough. When they were trying to find a way in. They noticed a door in the back of the station. It looked like no one still uses that exit. So they began to try and pry the door open. It took them about 45 minutes but the door finally gave free. I guess luck was on their side. Because the door belonged to the evidence room. Damn Kevin thought to himself, what are the chances. Blake went to a computer and saved everything he was deleting to a drive. Then he deleted everything on all cases starting with an S. While he was deleting the files. Kevin was taking everything that he could on the Sorensons case. Plus a few more cases that started with an S. They both finished with in 30 minutes of entering the room. Kevin wanted to let his brothers know they were safe. But it was way to risky to do. So both guys grabbed the evidence and left the room. When they got in the car. They made sure no one was following them.

An hour later they arrived at a storage unit. They stashed the stuff in there. Then they left to meet the crooked Judge. So far with them being undercover they have found a handful of crooked judges and politicians. They were all apart of the trafficking rings in the state. When they arrived at there spot. The judge was not there. Instead one of his lakeys were in his place. They handed them two suitcases full of money and a small envelope for the phones. They took it all and then left.

When the guys got home. They were worn out. They both went to their rooms and crashed. It was strange not seeing Kali there when they got home. She was probably out partying like usual. They thought to themselves. As they fell asleep. When the guys woke up, they noticed Kali was still not there. They tried calling her, but she did not answer either one of their calls. Both guys were getting worried for her safety. They knew she was a bad one. But they would not wish harm on her. They hoped she was ok, but they would not see Kali for 4 days.

4 days later

When Kali walked into the apartment. Both guys were livid. Blake screamed at her. Where were you at Kali that you could not tell us you were safe. Kevin said. Kali gets fake tears in her eyes. Then tells the guys they have to talk. Then Kali makes up a sob story. About how she was walking to her car at the mall. When a guy tried to grab her. She hit him and he punched her in the stomach. Then Kali starts to really let the tears fall. It turns out I was pregnant with one of yours kid. When I got to the hospital I had already miscarried. I'm so so sorry. Please don't hate me. Kevin and Blake look at each other. Both have tears in their eyes. For the child they lost. No matters whose kid it was. Their brothers and them would have been the child's father. No matter what. With the family is a choice. They both sit down. Blake grabs Kali and pulls her in his lap. Trying to calm her down. Kevin and Blake are in a morning stage, while Kali thought take that for screaming at me. She was going to never tell them about the pregnancy. What Kali did not know, was that these two men. Will hunt down the person who killed their unborn baby. Then they will kill him or her. Both guys made a silent vow with their eyes to each other. This was something they learned from the academy. The vow was they will find the whole truth to this story. If she made the child up, they would be done with her. If she was pregnant and had an abortion, they would kill her very slowly. No one hurts family. Especially chosen family sticks together. Kali explained to the guys that she would be staying with her brother Will for a few days. That she will call us daily to keep in touch. We both kissed her good bye and then she left.

Both men wanted to talk and mourn with their brothers. They new it was risky. But they needed help to figure out what happened. So they decided to call a repair shop, and have the repair man come fix their computer. They knew a number to call for a non existent computer repair man. When they called the number, no one answered it. So Blake decided to shoot a text to the man instead.

Blake: hey are you guys still open. We got your number from a few guys.

Computer repair: yes we are. Sorry the phone has been dropping people's calls.

Blake: aren't you a real business? What does that tell us customers. I'm sorry maybe we should call another company.

Computer repair: No we're fine. We just have been busy and stuff. What seems to be the problem.

Blake: my laptop keeps shutting down on me. It takes a picture, then shuts down.

Computer repair: yeah it sounds like you might have a bug or something.

Blake: when can you come by and fix it.

Computer repair: can't you just bring it down here to my shop.

Blake: Sorry no can do. I thought I was told you make house calls. If not I'm sorry to bother you.

Blake goes to hang up. Playing the part

Computer repair: No wait. I squeeze you in. What's your address.

Blake: 12345 Coleman st.

Computer repair: That's only 10 minutes from us. I can fit you in in about half an hour. I will be with two other people.

Blake: Wait why do I need 3 people to fix a laptop.

Computer repair: Nope they are just training with me. They have been my shadow for a while now. So they can also do house calls.

Blake: I guess that's fine. Ok see you soon.

Computer repair: Um sorry what did you say your name was?

Blake: I didn't. Good bye

Now Blake and Kevin had to just wait. For hopefully three of their long lost brothers. They were sitting on pins and needles till they heard the door bell ring. When they opened the door. They did not expect to see each other. They 3 guys were also shocked to see who texted them. Blake and Kevin greeted them like he would a regular repair man. Then they all walked inside the apartment. Kevin quickly put the jammer on. Then the bothers were able to hug each other. They have missed so much time together. After a few minutes they all sat down to talk.

Corey P.O.V.

As we were all eating dinner. Talking about anything. My decoy work phone rang. Axel looked at me like, why now. When we are all together again. We were just missing two of our brothers. Anyways I just let the phone ring. Then it stops. But then I start getting a text message. I go grab my phone. To text back. I tell everyone by me. It's a person asking for a computer repair man. Victor looks up when I say this. He says ask them what is wrong. I said no shit Sherlock. The guy types back what's wrong. It should like he has a tracker or a bug in his computer. I tell the guy to basically bring it to my shop I can work on it there. He then tells me that he wants me to come to his place. I get the address. I noticed it is close by. I tell him I will fit him in and can be by soon. I tell him I'm bringing 2 of my workers with me. He sounds annoyed but agrees. I then look at my brothers and ask who is coming with me. I take 2 because I don't know if this is a trap or not. I figured it would be me, Victor, and one other. What I did not expect was Mr Blackbourne and Axel wanting to come with me. So we get ready we give my Poppet a kiss on the cheek, then the triplets. Then we head to the job. It took us about 15 minutes to get there. The apartment was a run down building. With drinks and druggies all around. We go up to the door and ring the bell. I got the shock of my life. When the person who opened my door was my long lost brothers. I wanted to grab and hug them. But people were probably watching. So I acted professional. We talked then we all walked in. I saw Kevin pull out the jammer I made him. Then we were free to talk for a bit.

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