Chapter 6 Blackborne & Toma Team Sleepover

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Luke Taylor P.O.V.

North and I are helping Uncle turn the old church into a diner. I can't wait to see the finished product. We have been working for a while so Uncle told us to go home, and rest. As we start to leave I go into my head for a moment of how I found out north is my younger brother by 1 year. Uncle was in Greece trying to shut down a human trafficking ring, when he ran into an old friend of his brothers also my dad. He told my uncle that one day my dad just up and left his house, family and disappeared. My uncle went to his house.

 My uncle went to his house

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(Norths House in Greece)

The house was severely run down. It looked like it could come crashing down at any second. The windows were all old and falling apart. The front door was off the hinges. The grass was over grown, and the yard full of junk. Uncle noticed the power was off because it was dark inside. He also noticed a voice coming from inside. Uncle decided to see who was there. That's when he noticed 2 boys. No parents were around. My uncle explained who he was. As soon as North heard who he was, you could see the fear in his eyes. Uncle could tell that my father abused this poor kid. I guess I was the lucky one after all. Well Uncle talked to both boys and explain to who he was, and that they were safe with him. North would not talk to my uncle. His friend Silas did all the talking. When my uncle told North he was going to adopt him and bring him home to us. No other started to freak out. He would not leave Silas behind. Silas was there when no one was for North.

So my uncle called the academy and explained everything. He got permission to bring north, and silas, and silas's family back to the us. so Uncle did some digging into silas's family and it turned out that silas's family needed a lot of help also. It seems silas's dad was trying to find some way to help silas's brother out of the trouble he was in. Silas's brother love to start fires. Not long ago Silas brother was playing with fire in an old church. The church was so old it went up fast. Silas's brother got out. Sadly the one who perished was silas's mom. She had been in the church helping remodel it to open back up soon. After a storm did a lot of damage to it. The death of silas's mom made his brother shut down. Uncle explained the academy. He told them they could get the help they needed. They just had to move here to the us.

(This is the church after it caught on fire)

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(This is the church after it caught on fire)

I was so happy when Uncle told me he was bringing my long lost little brother here to live with us. At first it was very hard. North would not talk to us. I tried everything. I tried making him laugh. I tried making him mad. I even tried pulling pranks, nothing seemed to work. It had been months since North has moved in with us. Silas was a great person, and always telling funny, corny jokes I finally figured out that North was a mute. So I called up my friend kota to teach me sign language.

At kota's house was my four friends or also they're hanging out. My friend kota, nathan, victor, and Gabe wanted to help me out. So for days we did nothing but learn how to do sign language. Finally after I was like a pro I walked up to North and signed hi brother it's nice to have you here. He looked at me like I lost my marbles, but then a wonderful sound came out of him. He was laughing. After he was done he asked me what I said after I told him he started to cry. He grabbed me and gave me a huge hug. I was so happy, and excited I finally have my true brother with me.

As I was walking with North out the diner's doors. We jumped into his Jeep and headed to Kota's house for a relaxing, fun sleepover with all the guys.

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