Chapter 25 Sangs Wake Up Call

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Sangs P.O.V.

All the guys have been wonderful. They each stay with me at least two at a time. They say it is to help me with my nightmares. Which I can honestly say I have not had since I have been sleeping with two of them at night. Right now I am by myself for a short time. The guys all had an academy meeting which they could not miss. I still don't know much about the academy. However I know from what the guys have told me. They told me how the academy likes to help people. They also told me how the academy has changed all their lives for the better. So I can't be that bad, especially if their one goes to help people and basically change the world. And so far from the people I've met that are Academy. It must be a great place to work. As I'm sitting here by myself, my mind starts playing the what if game. Like what if they're being nice to me, because it's their job? What if they are nice to me to get me to drop my guard, so they can hurt me where it hurts? What if they think I am too weak, damaged, or broken? The worst one is what if I do something, and it splits their family (team) up. That is something I can never be a part of. Is my mind playing this game with me. I am finding it very hard to breathe. My chest feels like it is on fire and being crushed by cement. Then my ears start to hurt by all the machines. They're going off like crazy. The next thing that happens is all kinds of people run through my door. When all the people run in it makes me more scared. I'm not used to a lot of people I don't know around me. I noticed all the guys are here also. Some are holding part of their family back. Raven, Cory, Luke, and North are all trying to get to me. Dr Sean grabs a mask, he puts it over my nose and mouth. He tells me to take slow, deep, even breaths. So I do. I slowly start to feel better again. Dr Sean asks me what happened. I look at everyone, very nervously to talk. Dr Sean gets my message and kicks everyone out of the room. Except for him, Axle, and Mr Blackbourne. Then Dr Sean sits beside me on the bed, he pulls me on his lap. He asks me if this is okay. I shake my head yes. He says we need words pookie. So I quietly say yes. He looks happy, and asks me what happened. So I tell him that my brain started playing the what if game. He knows like he knows what I'm talking about. Then he said it sounds like you had a panic attack. Have you had a panic attack in the past. Or has anything happened like this in the past that you didn't know what happened. I look at the three guys in my room, and tell them no I don't think so. Is there anything that myself, Owen, or Axel can help you with. My face gets a pink blush over it, and I hide my eyes in his chest. All three of the guys in the room all chuckle at this. Which makes me feel very warm inside like this is the people I'm supposed to be with. So how could I choose just one of them. When I liked all of them the same. After I calm down Dr Sean leaves me back in the bed. Then he fixes my wires. Then ask if it's okay to let the others in. I say yes with a smile attached to my face. He then walks to the door opens it and lets the guys in. I had a good time with them. As I was talking to a few of them, a young slips through my mouth. The guys see how tired I am, and make an excuse that they have to go for now. Dr Sean tells me just to lay down and take a nap. That two of the guys will be in here soon. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I am out like a light.

Norths P.O.V.

As my brothers and I are having our quick meeting. We start to see a bunch of nurses, and doctors running past the conference room. Then Erica, who is kota's Mom, peaks her headed and says Sean it's Sang. He jumps up and is running to her room. The rest of us following behind very closely. The sight that I see hits me hard. It is Sang baby not being able to breathe. I tried to go up to her, but I'm held back by my brothers. A few of my other brothers are also being held back. My brothers are telling me that Sang needs medical personnel. Not us right now. After about 10 minutes, she starts to look a lot better. When Sean asks her what happened, she turns and looks it everyone. I see she's embarrassed by what happened. Then Sean must have found out also. Cuz the next thing I know is he is kicking all of us out of the room but him, axle, and Mr Blackbourne. I have not known Sang baby that long. I can tell you I will never let her come to harm. I bet all my brothers feel the same way. As I look at my brothers I see the fear, and anger that each have. Sang baby might not know it yet, but she is wiggled her way into all of my family's hearts. If she was to leave us, it would probably kill all of us.

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