Chapter 9 Meeting the Sorensons

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Narrator P.O.V.

While Luke is quietly thinking he hears the boy little Luke say his mom needs help. That during the punishment she received after they went swimming. That they were stopped by the monster. Then both kids were locked in their mom and their room for hours. They then heard their mom cry. Both kids started freaking out. Crying hysterically. Both kids cried themselves to sleep. When they woke up. They then told them they walked out of their room, and heard the shower running. When they walked into the bathroom. All they saw was their mom tied to a chair, tape over her mouth and the smell of blood. They also said it looked like she was barely breathing. That their mommy was dying.

All the men ran out of the house. Jessica kept both kids with her. North was the first one there he kicked the front door in. Luke went past him and up the stairs following the sound of water. What he saw had him freezing in place, dropping to his knees and yanking at the top part of his head. This can't be his Sang God was not mean to bring her back to him and his life, just to take her away again. Raven and Marc grabbed Sang. Raven cut the ropes carefully to not cause more injury. Cory was one of them to also help. Sean told them to take her to the academy hospital and for Raven to drive like a Russian the way Russians do. The people in Ravens SUV were North, Sean, Brandon, and Luke. Sang was in the second row seating with Dr Sean. He was doing everything he could to keep her heart beating. She quit breathing two times already, by the time they made it to the hospital.

 She quit breathing two times already, by the time they made it to the hospital

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Dr Roberts runs to the emergency room entrance to help Dr sean. When he saw the poor girl, he felt the only way she would live past this. Was she had to fight to live. They rushed her back to try and save her life.

In the waiting room at the hospital

North Grabbed Luke and let him cry on his shoulder. When Luke looked up, he saw Uncle walking up to them. Uncle was at the hospital having lunch with Kota's Mom Erica. When he saw his nephews, he had to make sure every one was okay. When Uncle looked around and saw the whole team was here but Sean. He asked where Dr Sean Green was, Owen spoke up and said heart breaking news to uncle. One that had Uncle Loose all feeling in his legs. That one sentence was Sean is in back trying to save Miss Sorensons life. Uncle looked at Luke. Uncle said with tears in his eyes, which one. Luke answered with tears also in his eyes and said, it's Sang uncle. We finally found Sang and she might die today. Uncle it's really really bad the thing she must have gone through.

Luke P.O.V.

I look to my uncle and I tell him uncle I don't know what is going on with the Sorensen's. Sang looks so thin, with bruises all over her body. She is way underweight. Also Uncle it's good you are sitting down. Sang has two kids, she named one Melody. Her son she named Luke. Uncle she never forgot about me. It's been over 10 years and she still remembers. With everything that this little girl has gone through. (Crying) Uncle she just has to wake up.

Uncle P.O.V.

This can't be happening to little bird. She is the most sweet caring little girl I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. When her mom told Luke and I she left with her dad, and without saying goodbye. I knew in my heart something was wrong. When I looked into her family I found her mom, dad, and even one daughter Marie. Wait one daughter where was Sangs info. After digging for months I learned our beautiful Sang was a ghost bird. I also bet her children are too. Wait, two children Sangs only 17 years old. That must mean okay I can't even think this right now. I will talk to her when she wakes up. I know she will wake up she just has to. It will break many old and new hearts. After my memory I look at the two teams made into one and say the reason why we could not find Sang after 10 years of the whole Academy searching for her. Is our little Sang is a ghost. They all look at me. Luke is the only one to say wait what. Around this time Dr Sean green comes through the doors. He is a very upset look on his face. Like he has been crying. Luke looks up to him. He says through his tears. Wait no Sang can't be gone Shawn. She can't be. Shawn looks up and starts speaking.

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