Chapter 4 Marie and Sang

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After that night Mike always did what he wanted to. He would come into my room and rape me. until my step-monster caught him. At least she cared to not let it go on. She had me pack everything we owned. We left that night and moved to alabama. About 2 months later I started getting a stomach bug. My step-monster said because I am a w**** and will sleep with anyone. I was probably pregnant. She made me take a pregnancy test. It turns out I am 15 and pregnant. What am I supposed to do now. My step-monster decided to have Marie take a test also to be safe. Turns out her pride and joy was also pregnant. Mom put us both in the car and drove us to the emergency room. She gave them fake information for us. I was confirmed I got pregnant in early February the night I was forced to lose my virginity. So I was 6 months pregnant. Marie was also that far along. She asked if the doctor could do an abortion. He told her it was too late. So both Marie and I were both soon to be a mom in the next 4 months.

(4 Months Later)

After the first visit we were never to go to another appointment for a pregnancy. Marie was the first to go until labor. She was in labor for 12 hours. Then she pushed out a beautiful baby boy.

 Then she pushed out a beautiful baby boy

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Sangs (Maries) New son

She did not want her baby so she told me I would have to raise him. I could not believe my ears. She did not want this amazing beautiful baby boy. The boy who was born with stars that was twinkling in his eyes. He reminded me of a person I have not seen in a while, my Lukie. So I decided to name him after my first love ever. So I was fine with taking my new son to raise because I loved him already. Another good thing My step-monster at least did was she had Marie pump so I could feed Luke. It was only until I had my beautiful baby girl and my milk came in. I was locked up in the basement with my (Maries) son Luke. I know I need to get over my Lukie but my heart tells me we will meet again. Well I was in the basement with Luke and all of a sudden I went into labor. I don't know how long I was in labor because of how much pain I was in. It was all worth it I delivered my sweet baby girl all by myself in a dirty, smelly basement. I named my little girl melody, after my real mom who died giving birth to me. Both Luke and Melody were born healthy, and we're very good babies.

 Both Luke and Melody were born healthy, and we're very good babies

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Sangs baby girl Melody

Narrator P.O.V.

For 2 years Sang raised the kids by herself. She used old sheets for diapers. She breastfed both kids. When they were 18 months they no longer wanted to be breastfed. So they started eating regular food. Sang had to keep both kids always learning and entertained. On the days that she couldn't and the kids acted up Sang got severely punished. So by the time they were two both kids knew how to count, their abc's, and how to speak five different languages. They were so smart they could speak japanese, greek, rushing, german, and of course english. The kids were fast Learners they even developed a new way of talking by mixing the words in different languages.

A few months later my step monster came home. She told me we were moving tomorrow night. So it was all on to me to pack the whole house up. my step-monster told me we were moving to Charleston North Carolina. I got right up to pack, because I could not survive another punishment. My step monster came up with two new punishments that could have killed me. When she would hold my head underwater until I passed out. I thought I had died. But I no longer accepted death, I ran from it, because I could not leave my two babies behind with the evil monsters. Both of the kids called me mom. Even Marie's son Luke. Luke is a very smart boy, he knows Marie gave birth to him but I was the one who was always there for him. I never let my step monster lay a finger on them. In fact I was double punished if I took theirs which I always would.

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