Chapter 14 Alias

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Little Luke

For me to explain about Mel and I. I would have to tell you the story we were both told by mom. I know we are young. But almost 3 in a few months actually. (Little Luke giggles)

The beginning of our story takes place 3 years ago in West Virginia. The way I was conceived was, two people made a mistake. That was Marie calls me her mistake. She blames me because her boyfriend wanted nothing to do with her or me.

During this time about a month later Mel was conceived. (Little Luke and Mel are looking pale thinking about what they tell the guys.
Mom was raped by her step mom's boyfriend. His name was Mike. Mom was raped by Mike multiple times. One day her stepmom busted Mike when he was trying again. She throws Mike out of the house. Then tells him to come back tomorrow. So they can talk about what she caught him doing to her waste of space. That was her word for mom.

After Mike left, mom stepmom had her pack everything up. Then load everything into the SUV. They moved in the middle of the night. A few months later. Mom started getting really bad upset stomach pains, and nauseous, she couldn't keep nothing down. Especially the little bird food they gave her. They took Mom to the doctors, using a fake name. When the doctor came back, he looked at mom and said. The sickness you have is going to last your whole life. Mom said she prayed it would take her out of this world finally. He looked up at the 3 women in the room. Then to Mom, and said you're pregnant. Mom was all mixed up. She was mad, that her choice was taken from her. She was sad the kid would never have a daddy. One that lived her, and treated her right. Then she was happy and excited to meet her baby. Which was soon, since they said she was six months along.

Then mom's stepmom, turn to the doctor. She then asked him if he could do a pregnancy test on her other daughter Marie. The doctor said sure. He ran one and Marie was pregnant with me. The doctor said she was 7 months along. She asked if she could abort the baby. The doctor looked at her like she lost it. He said in a very calm, mad tone. That would be murdering a innocent life. If you had the baby today it would live. So no your to far into your pregnancy for that. He gave both girls a prescription for prenatals. Then told him to wait so they can make another appointment. While the doctor was talking to his nurse. He had her page security, because he suspected child abuse going on. Marie overheard him, when she was coming back from the bathroom. Marie told her mom, and they left in a flash. They moved to Alabama. A few months later Marie had me. With the help of a doctor that came out to the house. She had the epidural and all. Her mom held her hand through the whole thing. While Mom was boiling water, getting clean towels. Also a warm blanket for me. I was born that night. Marie and her mom looked at mom. They basically threw me at her. Then told her to raise him. She wanted nothing to do to remind her if her mistake. She also said no man wants to raise a kid that's not his.

Mom told me when she looked into my eyes. She was reminded of her best friend when she was young. Her Lukie. So she named me after him. (all of a sudden Lukie breaks down crying again). He holds both kids telling them the three of them have a family now. P

Mr Blackborne looks up and says please continue Little Luke. So I began the rest of Mom's story. Mom had Melody about a month later. She was born, while Mom and I was locked in a basement. The basement was old, smelly, and dirty. So while Mom was in labor, she was also looking after a 1 month old me. Mom had no help. No pain relief. No clean area. She had to deliver Mel all by herself. There was not even water to clean her up. She used a razor blade to cut the umbilical cord. She had to wrap Mel up in a dirty shirt. We were locked in the basement two days. No food or water. I was told they did that hoping we would die together. As weak as mom was she breast fed both of us. It's because of her we are alive.

After we were born mom had to keep us quiet. Which we were, we were very quiet babies. If Marie or her mom heard us. Mom was punished for it. So after we started walking and talking mom taught us stuff to keep us busy. That's how we know 5 languages, and many other things. I can play a violin, while Mel plays the piano. Mom has a very beautiful singing voice. When she is not hurting from her throat.

Right before we moved here. Mom met a woman who had 4 husbands.(Liam, Harry, Jack, and Jason) They were the nicest people we've met. The lady Lily. Mom called her mom, because they treated her like her daughter. The men were father to her. So we started calling them Grandma and Grandpa's. They were going to help us the next day to get away from them. They saw the abuse that Mom went through. When Marie saw us talking to them. She told her mom right away. That night we moved in the middle of the night. I know a part of mom died that day. She had hope of a better life, and it was ripped away. We cried so hard because we would never see them again.

Mel catches Axel and Mr Blackborne talking by their eyes. She looks at them and says, we are telling you guys what you want to know. Why are you hiding stuff from us. The two of them look like a deer caught in the head lights. Axel says it's nothing bad we can explain soon. Mel and little Luke says ok. They both start to feel cautious of everyone. Lukie looks at them, and tries to reassure them both. That they are safe now. He will not let no one hurt them ever again.

Little Luke

We are trusting you guys. Please don't break it. We have a lil hope right now. I think the 3 of us would die. Please, please, I'm begging please don't break it. The men in the room tell them they will do no such thing. I look at Mel and we talk our made up language. We both agree there is nothing to lose to explain the rest.

To explain the torture's mom went through. She has to be the one to tell. We were always locked in our room. So we never got to see what was going on. We never wanted to see. What we did see was the scars, wounds, pain and suffering she had to go through after the punishments. The only time we knew about a punishment she went through. Was when Marie or her mom would gloat about how her burn throat hurt her the way it did or when she tried to drown mom. Mom still has nightmares to this day. It is so bad she is scared to sleep alone.

Narrator P.O.V.

As little Luke is telling his story. He looks around the room and every one of the guys look pissed and also like they were hurting inside. What the kids did not know, was the room had a recorder in it. So everyone was listening to what they have been through. When Mel saw saw Axel and Mr Blackborne doing the secret eye talk. What she did not know was the team was in the process of getting another team. To come into the Academy hospital. Mr Blackborne asks both kids if they remember hearing anything about Mike. Like do they remember our last name or
Something to help find him. So the police could lock him away. Mel said I do I remember Mom said she walked into the living room, right after being punished. She had to clean the whole house. She said a person was there along with Mike and they called him a strange name mom said. Excellence do you remember the name. And I said I'm sorry but I can't remember it. Little Luke spoke up and said mom said it was something like Balto, or Falto, wait it was Volto. Mom said he had a trafficking job. As the kids were talking the door opens to the room. In walks in with Lily and her team( husbands). When the team asks why they were called so late. Axel points to the kids. The kids are running to them crying for joy. The team bend down to pick them up and hug them both. They were crying also. Axel looks up to Lily, and says is this the ghost team you are trying to find. And all really says, is yes, oh my God yes. When Lily notices that it's only the two kids. No mother was around, they ask for Sang is. Both kids look up and said we've answered all your questions can we please see our mom now. Lily gets all protective of the two kids. She then starts screaming at the others. For keeping them away from their mother. Mr Blackborne tells Lily and her team that it's not like that. That the Blackborne Toma team actually save their mother with help from the kids. They explain the whole situation to them. Lukie tells the kids that their mommy is still sleeping. We are hoping she'll wake up soon. Even though she is sleeping we can still take you to her room. Lily can you stay here because we're going to be waking her up from a medical induced coma. Lily looks at her husbands, and they've all agree yes. Lily and her husband's want to be there for Sang. So they all get up and head to Sang's room.

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