Chapter 37 The Final Plan

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Judge Swanson P.O.V.

I can't believe that my family has been taken. Now I have to try and make the Sorensons fall through the crack of the legal system. This is going to be a hard case to corrupt. Especially since most of the Academy big shots want the Sorensons to go down. I decided to text my best guys to get this job done.

Text Message

Judge: I have a job for the two of you. This is important so no help from the outside.

Kevin: What's up boss? What is this important job all about.

Blake: Yeah like you just interrupted a very important job.

Kevin: Blake when is a blow job and important job anyways.

Blake: It is when Kali is the one doing it. 😉

Kevin: No way bro you are so fucking lucky.

Judge: both of you shut up or I will make sure you both disappear. I don't care what's going on right now. Also as soon as I tell you guys this job. You need to throw your phones away now.

Blake: Then you are buying my new phone. I just got this one a week ago.

Judge: I will put the money to replace it. So shut the fuck up now. Ok?

Blake: Sure boss

Kevin:I'm listening

Judge: ok. This job you can't fail. Or my wife and kids will be killed by Volto.

Kevin: damn dude what did you do to piss off the big guy.

Blake: Yeah everyone knows to stay away from him. Plus why call us. I'm not going against the big dude. Fuck no I'm out.

Kevin: Quit being a pussy Blake. We got this judge, what ever you need. So are you going to tell us, or make us guess.

Judge: short story is (Volto took my wife and kids. So I will make sure two women that I have locked up. Would be set free. If not he will torture and kill my family. Making me watch like he does to his victims.)

Kevin: So what are we supposed to do. If they need legally free.

Blake: Yeah judge that's on you. Your the big legal guy. Just make it happen. What is so big about this case that your worried about.

Judge: Well it would be an open and shut down case. If the Academy was not involved. Plus it's the biggest, baddest three teams that don't like to be messed with. The Taylor team, the Anderson Team, and the Blackborne Toma team. Plus one of the big wigs of the Academy. Dr Phil Roberts himself.

Kevin: Damn I never want to cross those guys. Last time I did, I was in the hospital for days.

Blake: What do you need from us then.

Judge: I need you to break into the evidence locker. Then I need you to take and destroy everything on the Sorensons case. Plus take a few slackey cases too. So no one would suspect anything. That's it as soon as your done I will give you both 500k. Plus the 5 hundred dollars for the new phone. Now go get this job done.

Kevin: got it judge.

Blake: meet at the old spot. Tomorrow at 11pm.


When I hang up the call, I get a good feeling about everything. Those two guys never disappoint me. I know they are faithful. I had them followed and phones tapped, plus bugged their apartments. They are the perfect criminals. They will be in and out like the thieves they were trained to be.


Blake and Kevin go into the bathroom. Then turn on jammer. So no one can hear what they say. The jammer makes it sound like they are taking a shower.

Blake are we really going to go against the academy. I know bro, but we have no choice. I can't believe how corrupt some people are. Kevin do you think we will be able to get close to Volto. We have been trying for two years. I miss our brothers. I wonder how they have been. We have been in here long enough. Let's go put our show on.

Both guys turn the jammer off. Then sit down at the table and draw up a plan. After about two hours they have the perfect plan. They just hope no one sees them, that they knew before this mission. As they start to pack everything up. Kali wakes up and comes out of Blake's room. She looks up at the guys. Then sees they are starting on a job.

Kali P.O.V.

As I walk out of Blake's room. I noticed both guys are sitting at the table talking. I try and be quiet to hear what is being said. I know anything I find out. Volto would be very happy with me. Maybe I can make him forget about his precious Sang. I saw that girl. She is a poor sad excuse of a human being. I know I'm undercover for Volto. But I think I am starting to fall for my targets. I mean how could I not, when the both have great sex appeal. Plus the both of them in bed. I have never had 5 big Os in my life. Well enough with that. I look at the guys and ask if I can help with anything. Kevin tells me Kali, this is something that no one but us two can know about. I tell him, but we have been together for over 15 months. When are you two going to trust me to help out. I need some fun and action in my life. I'm so bored. Well you were not bored when you were screaming out names last night. Kevin said. I blush and hide trying to be an innocent little naive girl. Which I'm not. I face I was hoping the guys would say no. I have to meet up with Volto, then go to an abortion clinic. What I never told the guys was that one of them go me pregnant. Plus I do not want any kids. Unless it's with my dream guy Volto. The guys tell me they are going out. Kiss me and tell me they will see me later. I walk out the door with them. Me going one way. They going another way. I wonder if Volto would be up for a poly relationship with him and my boys. I should ask him when I see him soon.


xtreme trigger warning ahead

I drive for to the compound and hour away. I pull up to the security gates. They see who I am. Then they open the gates. As I walk into the house. I see Mike, he has a girl sitting at his feet naked. The one thing with Mike is he is never abusive with his slaves. He makes sure both are in agreement, and they both sign a contract with limits and likes. He is part of the bdsm community. I can tell he does not like the torture he sees Volto put the girls through. He just turns his eyes to all the abuse. I ask Mike where Volto is. He tells me he is in his playrooms. With his newest slave. I kind of get excited from hear that. Maybe he will let me play too. I go down the steps to all his torture chambers, or what he calls them. His play rooms. When I get to where he is at. I think I see Sang. The girl has green eyes. Same height as Sang. Blond hair even. But most of the girls hair is full of blood. I tell Volto great job finding Sang. He glares at me and tells me this is not Sang. As he is pointing to the girl. Nope this here is another temporary slave. Say hi to Melissa Kali. I would ask you if you would like to play. But I want her to last a couple of days at least. She took a lot of pain and suffering today. She thinks she is protecting her new friend Claire. Not knowing Claire will be going home soon. Unless the judge fucks something up. Now Kali here is the Money you needed. Go get rid of that brat. I'm not raising no one else's child. Unless it has Sangs blood in it. Volto said with venom in his voice. I tell Volto sang also has Marie's brat. You know she will fight you till the end for her chosen son Luke. Volto looks at me and smirks. Oh Kali you just don't know. Do you?


😯 I feel a little bit that some good gossip is about to come out.

Till I see you all soon. Thank you so much for reading my story.

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