Chapter 56 Good or Bad

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I started to get a really bad headache from all this arguing. It got even worse when I heard my Meanie talking to himself. How could he think I do not love him. Yeah I finally came to the conclusion, I really love all my boys. I really don't want to see a future without any of them in my life. I know I'm being selfish, by taking sixteen hot, and carrying men. I know the normal way is one man to one female. All my life I have tried to be normal. Well I say fuck normal. I want what I want. I don't care who likes it or not. The only ones who could make me leave are my boys. So I decided to take a risk. I slowly walked over to Meanie and slowly slipped my hand into his. I know he was not paying attention. Since he was in a deep conversation with Luke. I looked at Luke and asked him by looking between him and Meanie. He looked like he said ok. Then I started to walk to my room. He was following behind me since I was holding his hand. He looked very concerned and confused. When I got to my door. I pulled him in my room. I locked the door. I did not want anyone disturbing our talks. I will get to the reason why he would believe I would not want him too. I mean how would I live with our him.

We sat down on my bed. Then neither of us knew how to get the conversation started. The longer we took to say something, the more awkward we felt. I felt that if I did not start talking to him, he would bolt out of here. So I started to talk.

Meanie for this talk I want to use our real names please. He shook his head like he agreed. I took another deep breath then I spoke. What did I do to you, to make you hate me? It really hurts me when you ignore me like you have been lately. I mean it Gabe. Please tell me why things have changed because. Do you feel like I'm splitting you guys up. Because that is the last thing I want to do. I love each one of you. I don't love you all in the same way. Each one of you, yes you even Gave. You all have earned my love in different ways. Like North is my home. Luke is my mischief, you are my comfort. The other guys all have ways too. So Gabe can you please tell me what I have done. I'm sorry I just keep rambling. As soon as those words left my mouth. Gabe turned to look at me, his eyes holding pain, and sorrow. But they also held the love we feel for each other. We were just a mere inch away from our lips touching. Only one of us had to lean the inch more for us to kiss. As I was thinking this Gabe leaned in and our lips touched. My heart felt like it was on fire. Our lips felt so good to each other. Then all of a sudden he bit my bottom lip. When I gasped he slipped his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance. I slowly gave it over to him. So he dominated the kiss, I felt like I was in one of those movies. Where the girl's socks actually get knocked off her feet. I was finally kissing my Meanie. I was so lost in the moment I let a quiet moan slip out. I felt Meanie smiling through our kiss. I put my arms around his neck, trying to deepen the kiss. Then I noticed that we were slowly falling sideways on to the bed more. So we were laying on the bed making out for a bit. This was not enough for me I wanted to feel him deeper inside me. So I got up the nerve and started to slip my hands in his shirt. As I deepen the kiss more fiercely, I hear a sexy moan come from him.


Smut ahead!!!!! You have been warned lol


Slowly Sang started to get a little more frisky. While looking into Gabe's eyes, she slowly removed his shirt then his pants. While he also removed her shirt. Then she slowly slips her hand in his boxers and removes his cock. He is already hard from the make out session. She slowly runs her hands up and down his length. By this time Sang has to keep her legs together to get some kind of friction going. She gets him to the point where he is about ready to blow, then she takes him in his mouth. This gives Gabe the best pleasure that he has felt. It does not take long for him to release a lot of cum down her throat. In fact it was so much that she choked on some of it. Then she does something even hotter. She wipes the cum off herself and swallows that also. By this time Gabe is even harder. Gabe nows he has to wait his turn again. Now it's his turn to give her the same feeling she just gave him. So he pushes her softly on the bed under him. Then he slips of her pants, and underwear. He then sits up and looks at his love. She is completely bare. He thinks to himself how he almost lost all of this. So he goes back up to her lips. He kisses her deep. He can taste himself on her, this makes him want her even more. He starts to kiss her neck. Taking a little time, then he starts on her breasts. Playing the same attention on both of them. While he is pinching, and flicking one he is sucking and biting the other. This makes Sang feel shocks all the way down to her pussy. After he has her breasts and nipples very sensitive. He slowly starts his hand lower. When he feels her wetness because of him. He lets out a bigger groan. Then he pushes two fingers inside me. Sang let's out between a gasp and a moan from all the sensations she is feeling. Her wetness grows even more as Gabe is working his fingers in and out of her pussy. When he slowly started to rub at her little clit. Sang let out a louder moan, and shut her eyes from the extreme pleasure she was feeling. Gabe looked up at her, and said open your eyes I want to see your eyes when you cum. When Gabe stopped and pulled his fingers out. She let out a lil wimper. Then he put three fingers into her cunt. He also started eating her out. By pushing his tongue in and out of her pleasure hole. He also used his tongue to suck and nip at her little clit. This made Sang want to shut her legs. But Gabe held them open by the way he was postponed. All of a sudden Gabe saw Sang grab the sheets and moaning really loud. He knew Sang has felt the same pleasure he gave him. Gabe did not take his fingers out. He kept them going a little faster now. He was letting her ride out her orgasm. This actually sent Sang into another orgasm. After Sang was done Gabe slowly withdrew his fingers. Then he grabbed Sang up to cuddle with each other. He knew from his brothers, that this was as far as they would go. What surprised Gabe was Sang was not finished. She kissed him as she got up. Then she straddle him. She was looking at any signs of him not wanting to. She slowly grabbed his cock, and lowered herself on to his length. Sang felt like she was being split into two. From how big he was. But the pain and pleasure made this more enjoyable. Gabe was loving how tight he felt. He almost came when he first entered her. Gabe was letting her work at her pace. And he was loving every minute of what she is giving him. Gabe started to push himself into her cunt even more. He was matching her movements perfectly. Sang could feel her stomach tighten. She knew she was close to cuming. When Gabe told her to cum for him. She released an orgasm even bigger then the first two. Sang was looking spent. But Gabe was not finished yet. He turned them both where he was on the top. When he thrusted in, he took his time to find her sweet spot. As soon as he found it. Her moans got louder, as she started to cry out tears. She loved how good this between Gane and her. She had sex before but nothing like this. No one really took the time to show her what love feels like. Although she did have a good time with her Hacker. She shook her head to get back in the moment. As he was hitting her g spot, she felt herself getting closer. Gabe could tell by her walls closing in on him. She begged him to let her cum. He told her to wait, that he wanted to cum with her. After a few more thrusts she could tell he was close. Because his aim was getting a little sloppy. Then he told her to cum. He pushed one more time. Then he released his seed deep in her womb. That's when both of them remembered one big thing. They forgot to use a condom. He then helped Sang get dressed. And they fell asleep in each other's arms. Both with the feeling of being loved. It was the best feeling they ever wanted.

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