Chapter 18 Melodys 3 Babies

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Here's a little recap of that happened in the last chapter. I'm looking at Melody and tell her I know she is pregnant with triplets. That I will not tell Steven about them. She suddenly calms down and her body starts to relax. But then she gets the fear in her eyes. This causes her to start to hemorrhage. I tell her, that she is too weak to have a C-section. That she will not survive it.

Dr Roberts P.O.V. continued

Melody looks at me, and begs me to save her babies. That she does not care if she lives or not. She just wants her babies to live, her little miracles. I do a quick C-section, and three babies are born. Two little girls and one little boy. I grabbed one boy and one of the girls, and wrapped them in a blanket. I then hide them in a closet in the other room. I pray to whoever's listening, that the babies will not cry. That Steven will not hear them. When all of a sudden Steven comes in, he turns in Melody's direction. He sees all the blood, and thinks Melody has died. He shakes his head and grabs the little baby girl. As Stephen was leaving he told me that my family will be released and then he left. After Stephen left I ran to Melody and tried everything I could to save her. I knew even if we were in the hospital, that she would have a very low chance of surviving. She has lost way too much blood, and losing more. I could see that she was close to death's door. She grabs my hand very weekly, and tells me thank you. I promise her I will raise her two children like my own. I will also find her daughter that Steven called Sang. I will adapt all three of the kids. They would not want for nothing. After I said this, I looked down and noticed Melody had passed away. The thing I will remember is, that she looked happy. That she had a smile when she died.

I quickly grabbed the two babies. Put them in my car. I grabbed a blanket out of the trunk. I then put the blanket on the floorboard. I placed both babies on the blanket. I then drove to the academy hospital. I called my boss at the Academy and told him everything that has happened. He was extremely mad at me, for at least not even telling my team. That in the academy, family is first. I then tell him I have two of the babies, and I am pulling into the hospital. I grabbed both kids and rushed them inside. I see my wife is safe and being checked over. My team members (family)are watching over my wife. I look at Mr Taylor and tell him thank you. He looks at both babies in my arms. He grabs them both, and tells me that he will watch them for me. To go be with my wife. That she was in labor. I ran to my wife's delivery room, just in time to see our son born. I even get to cut the umbilical cord. We named our son William Samuel Roberts. After my wife nursed her son, the nurse took him to run the apgar test on him. He was perfectly fine, my healthy baby boy. When the nurse took our son. I finally sat down and explained everything to my wife. As I'm explaining what happened, Mr Taylor Wheels in a twin hospital bassinet. Both babies were asleep. They were healthy, even though the girl was a little small. My wife and I fell in love with them both. The boy we called Zamir Samuel Roberts. The girl we called Aria Marie Roberts. We also wanted to find little baby Sang. Then our family would be complete. The next day, we left the hospital with three of our children. One child turned into three. We love the two babies. So much that we adopted them both. We also put in for us to get Sang when she was found. They are a joy to have with us, but it hurts that they were born from misery.

All three kids, have grown up together. They know everything that happened that terrible night. The twins sometimes get Ghost pain, which they say is because Sang is being hurt. We need to find her before it's too late. With all the hope and searching for 17 years we still could not find their sister.

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