Chapter 22 The Story of Poppet & Hacker

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Corey's point of view

It's been 3 years since I have seen my poppet. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her hair is black as the night. I think she colors it though. Her eyes are a beautiful shade of emerald green. It seems like just yesterday when we met. She was 14 at the time. She was living with the man we were assigned to get information from. Brandon and Raven met her first. They were too busy at what they were doing to actually see what I saw. The assignment was to break into their home. Then try and find any incriminating evidence against the man called Volto. We had watched the same house for weeks. The time came when the whole family was out of the house. The daughter was at her boyfriend's house. Luke and North were watching her. Nathan and Victor were following the couple. So no one was in the house.

The man called volto was a person that was heavy into crime. He always knew how to cover his tracks. He was in the human sex trafficking rings, drugs, rape and murder. He controlled half of the gangs in the area. He was also a big time villain of the academy. We figured it was the best time to act. Marc used Luke's lock picking tools to pick the lock. Then we were in the house. The house looked like no one lived there. No pictures on the walls. No sign of any achievements that have happened. No radios, and only one TV in the living room, and one small couch.

As we were searching, room to room. The first two rooms had all kinds of stuff in them. There were posters on the wall in one of the rooms. And it looked like the couple's room even had a vanity. Then there was a third room. As we went to open this door we heard muffled voices, like people were whispering. Axle had Brandon and Raven see who is in the room. My guess was a TV was left on. We knew no one was in the house because Mr Blackbourne had Victor and me pull up the background checks of everyone in the house. There were only three people in the house listed. And no children under 18 years old lived here. There were no toys, nothing that teenagers would have. Except the one daughters room had whatever she wanted in it. You could tell she was spoiled. I guess being the only kid. It is easy to spoil her. We were wrong when we thought no one else was in the house, boy were we wrong. When Brandon opened the door. A young girl was in the room crying, and blood all around her. When Raven saw all the bruises and blood from the little girl he flipped. He grabbed her and called Dr Smith. Dr Smith informed him to bring her to the hospital. The young girl is around 15 years old, and said absolutely not. When Raven told this to Dr Smith, Dr Smith said he will be on his way to check on the young girl. Raven quickly ran outside, grabbed our first aid kit, and ran back in her room. Raven took and wrapped each wrist with gauze, trying to stop her bleeding. The five of us were wondering what the little bird has been through to try and end her life. What could have happened to the little bird to cause her to end it. Raven, brandon, actual, and Marc had to walk out after the girls wrist were bandaged. They had to cool off for just a second. So I was left to look after this poor little girl. She said her name was sangrita. I told her that that name was too long. So I was going to call her my poppet. When she looked at me she had tears in her eyes and was crying. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me no one has been this nice to her since she was a little girl. She looked at my hacker shirt that I had on. Then she said that I will call you my hacker, and I will be your poppet. Then she felt it was wrong to just give me a nickname. So Mark was called bean, since she said he smelled like coffee. Axel was baby Blue, because of his beautiful blue eyes. They reminded her of the sky. Raven was called bear. And Brandon was her Grease monkey. She said you could tell Brandon worked on cars. Because he had built up grease in his nails. Which she said was hot. Then she blushed from what she said. We all laughed because we thought she was a little cutie pie. While we waited for the Dr Smith, we begged her to let us take her to the hospital. She absolutely forbid going there. We must have been there for a while waiting on Dr smith. We were talking and joking when Dr Smith finally showed. He looked her over, did a check up she had to have stitches in each wrist. Then he bandaged her wrist back up. He gave her a bottle of antibiotics and told her to take two a day. That they must be taken with food. Then he tried to ask what happened to her. She just clammed up. She even stopped talking to us. After a while Dr Smith said to make sure we get a full report to him and then he left. I wish Dr Roberts was the one that came instead. He had more of a gentle approach to him. Even sean would have been better than him.

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