Chapter 51 A Dream or A Vision

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I slowly wake up into my dream world. At least I think that is where I am. There is a heavy fog surrounding me. I see a path start to come into view. I follow the arrow that points to the north of the path. I walk for about 15 minutes, until I notice my mom ahead of me. I run up to her and give her a hug. I tell her I miss her so much. We sit down on the ground, to just catch up a bit. I can see my mom is trying to keep the dark, and shadows from my life. She tells me how she already loves her grandbabies. I can see the tears in her eyes. She wants to hold them so bad. As mom and I are talking I see my dad walking up to us. I get up and hug him, then I sit back down. He sits down, then he grabs my mom and puts her on his lap. This is so cute too see. Even in the after life, they love each other.

So far it seems like we are in some sort of abyss. There is nothing around us, but empty space. My dad tells me that I have to choose my path. The north path will lead to me choosing to stay with my family. The south path is if I choose and listen to Volto. Both paths will show the future, for the one you choose. Mom which path should I choose. As I ask this, my parents start to fade away. I must have stayed too long. Because all of a sudden three beautiful women appear in front of me.

 Because all of a sudden three beautiful women appear in front of me

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None of them look like me. So I know that we are probably not related. When I asked them who they were. I was shocked to my core. I was standing in the presence of the fates. The first one to address me was the oldest sister Atropo. She had in her hand a pair of scissors. I knew right away, that she was the one to chose when a person dies. The scissors were to cut the person's thread of life.

 The scissors were to cut the person's thread of life

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The second sister to come forward was the middle child Lachesis. She held a measuring rod in her hand. She was the sister who showed up 3 days after a person was born. This would be when she chose the baby's fate.

 This would be when she chose the baby's fate

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