Chapter 52 Realty Check

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Sangs P.O.V.

I woke up feeling well rested and warm. I notice that Raven and Lukie was sleeping with me. In fact they both had their arms wrapped around me. I was feeling really peaceful right now wrapped up in their arms. So why was I feeling like Volto could very well ruin my new family. I saw the vision that the sisters of fate showed me. I would not trust Volto to keep his word. I just had to figure out a way to tell my boys. I slowly put a pillow where I was sleeping, so I did not wake up the boys. I went to the restroom, brushed my teeth, and walked out to find Gabe. He told me he would always take care of my hair for me. He in fact claimed my hair the day we met each other. As I made it to the kitchen. I saw Marc was cooking breakfast. He handed me a cup of hot chocolate, because I can't stand coffee. I guess I'm just a kid at heart. I take my cup and walk into the livingroom. I find many of my kids and guys in here. I also find my Meanie. I call Gabe this because he calls me trouble. I walk over to him, and sit down on the floor. He quickly grabs a bag, then he puts some stuff in my hair. It makes my hair feel soft and smooth. Then he French braids it, to keep it out of my eyes. I love when he does my hair, I feel so calm, and relaxed.

After my hair is done. All of us are called into the kitchen to eat. I see the five younger kids in highchairs eating baby oatmeal. Then I see LJ sitting in Silas lap, and Mel is sitting with Brandon. I smile as I notice Lukie and Raven walking into the dining room. They quickly scan the room looking for something, or someone. When their gaze fell on me. They quickly let a deep breath out. I think next time I will have to wake them up. I know the guys are anxious to know why I freaked out. I quietly tell Axel and Mr. Blackbourne that I will explain everything after breakfast. As I look around at everyone, I still feel like a part of my heart is missing. Then I remember that my North Star and my 54 is still not with us. I hope they wake up soon. I miss them so deeply. After breakfast we all put the kids in the nursery that the guys made them. It's funny how they were able to put everything together in a few days. Then we all go sit down In the living room. I fidget in my seat, worried how I'm going to start this conversation. I get an idea, I quickly run down to my room. To grab my cell phone. They say rip it off like a band aid. So that's what I did. I pulled up my text from Volto. Then I handed my phone to Axel. I then sit back bracing for hell to rein down on me.

Axel P.O.V.

We all are getting comfortable in the living room. Waiting on Sang to start the meeting. Then she gets up fast, and runs out of the room. I look at the guys they are just as lost as me. But then she is walking back, doing something with her cellphone. I guess she ran back to grab it. Then she places the phone in my hand. So I quickly look at what she pulled up. And boy is my blood boiling. I quickly handed Victor her phone to hook it up to the projector screen. Then all my brothers can read it.

Unknown: how is my sex slave doing. I miss all the fun we were having.

Sang: you monster how did you get my number.

Unknown: you upset me my dear slave. I am an even bigger hacker, then your Blackbourne family.

Sang: what do you want Volto

Unknown: Slave don't make me mad right now. Those academy boys can't keep you safe forever. Don't forget your place slave.

Sang: I will never call you Master. You can kill me before I call you that.

Unknown: Sang oh my poor poor Slave. Do you know how much hurt I can put your new family through. I could take little Jessica again for my next toy. I could blow up your Dr friends family home, with them inside it. Or I could start killing random girls in your name.

Sang: No stop. What do I have to do?

Unknown: you know what I want slave

Sang: Fine Master please give me six months. Just so I can finish breast feeding the babies. Then I will go with you. Just please leave my boys, their family, and our children alone. That's the deal. The kids stay with them.

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