Chapter 29 The Test are Back 2

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Sang Sorenson P.O.V.

When Dr Sean came in my hospital room, I reached out my hand for him. I was just sleeping with Dr. Roberts came in my room with my siblings. Seeing them made me face a reality I did not want to face. I knew as soon as they said my siblings. I knew my visions were not just my mind playing tricks on me. So the last vision my mom showed me was also true that means. I want the four of them to leave my room. So I was thankful when Dr Sean came into the room. He saw how stressed I was looking. He asked them all if they could step out of the room. They did not want too, but finally did. I looked up at Dr Sean to thank him. But his face told me he knew something. That he had to let me know. I knew in my heart what he had to tell me. I hated that this was happening again to me. Why does everything that happens to me is bad. Why can't I get one good thing. Well I did when I found Lukie and my Hacker. Plus I have a whole chosen family. If what Dr Sean tells me is what I'm thinking. Will I be judged? Will everyone of my chosen family hate me? Will the finally think I'm to weak, that I'm not worth saving no more. As the what ifs keep coming, I start to feel myself having another panic attack. I look at Dr Sean for help. He pushes the emergency button for my room, then grabs an oxygen mask. I am panicking so badly the oxygen won't go into my lungs. As I'm trying to breath I see a bunch of medical personnel rush into my room. Someone gives me some kind of shot, that makes me fall asleep. The last thing I hear is rest Pookie, you had a long day. Then nothing but darkness.

Dr Sean Green P.O.V.

All day I kept having a bad feeling. I could see all the stress pookie has been under. Now that I have got her test results back. I have some more bad news. Plus I want to know what happened to her. As I get in her room, after leaving my brothers. I see that Dr Roberts is in her room, with his kids. That I just found out are pookies siblings. When we tried to put in her adoption through the academy. It came back that she was already adopted by them. It's not a real adoption. It is one where the academy becomes your family, always making sure you stay safe and secure. They make sure that you never hurt for anything. They watch you like their own. Finding out Dr Roberts put hers in when she was born. They just could never find out where she was taken. I knew that the kids had a sister that was kidnapped. When she was a baby. Wait does that mean that my pookies parents are not her biological ones. That would be music to my family, and I ears. Although what Dr Robert told me was the twins parents were murdered. They were murdered by the ones who took her. OMG poor pookie. When I walk into the room, my pookie puts her hand out to me. I can see in her face that she is almost to a panic attack. She has the fear in her haunted eyes. I wish I could wipe out the bad feeling in her eyes. I will make sure everyday to show her, how much she means to my brothers and I. When I asked Dr Roberts and his family to step out. Her sister hated the idea, after a min she finally agreed to give us a few minutes. As they all left, I guess she read something in my face. The next thing I know is she is grabbing at her throat trying to breath. I quickly push the alarm button. Then put the oxygen mask on her face. It does not matter though because her lungs won't take the oxygen in. I know the only think I can do is intubate her, and fast. I quickly give her some medicine to put her to sleep. Then I do a tracheal intubation. This procedure is temporary. It's when a doctor puts a laryngoscope to guide an endotracheal tube into the mouth or nose then trachea. The tube helps keep the trachea open open. So the patient can breath. Then the tube can be hooked up to a machine. When we get done I see my family and Dr Roberts has snuck into the room. They all feel like they want to take her place. I feel the same way. Cory looks at me, tears running down her face. Then says what happened Shawn. Did she pass out from the news of what ever you told her. I shake my head no, I never even got to tell her anything. Then I ask North if he could call uncle up here. Because he needs to make some medical decisions now. North quickly called Uncle up and tells him. That I need him to come up to the hospital right now. When North hangs the phone up. He says he said just let him close the diner and he will be right here. Dr Roberts looks at me and says I should be the one making medical decisions. She is apart of my family. I tell Dr Roberts that it is a legal document that he can't go against. That Sang Sorenson set it all up with Lilly and her husband's. Then I remember I have to call Lilly and her husband's and tell them part of what's going on. I can let them know she had a panic attack. That we had to intubate her, because her trachea would not let oxygen through. That this is a temporary fix. That when she wakes up, she should be fine. So I step out of the room to do just that.

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