Chapter 27 Sangs Terrible Past Uncovered

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The trigger warning is almost over. Please don't hate me. Volto just wanted to show up to show he has power. He will soon learn that she has a whole army backing her now.

Sangs horrible past continued

I start to feel more disgusted, as he looks at my body. The comment that he makes makes me want to throw up in my mouth. He looks at me and says I'll dial it up for me huh. I think how could my sister do this to me. Why would this monster be here right now. When my stepmom left him over 2 years ago. Now he is here with me in my mom's bed. With me barely conscience. The first thing he did was start kissing me. He tried the kisses down to my neck to my breasts. Then he started pinching my nipples. He did this till he must have seen blood start to show on them. Then he proceeded to rape me over and over again. As a vision's fading away. I asked my mom why I don't remember this? Then I saw why. The monster shot me full of some kind of shot. He told Marie to clean me up. That I would not remember a thing. Until he wanted me to. Then before he left, he had in my sister Marie a lot of money.

Trigger warning over



My mom squeezes my hand one more time. She told me to remember this when I wake up. I beg my mom to take the images away from my mind. I don't want to live my life thinking he has a hold of me still. Mom looks at me saying she is sorry again. She also says please don't take it out on the two kids. Even though there father is a monster. They will grow up being loved and cared for. Then the scene starts to fade away.

When I wake up I jerk myself out of bed. I climb over Corey to get to the bathroom. I start to vomit all over everywhere. I guess someone told Dr Sean, because he is also in the bathroom with us. As I was throwing up poor Corey was holding my hair. I felt a quick prick in my arm then Dr Sean telling me the medicine should call my nauseousness down pretty quick. But anything he gave me did not help. I was still dry heaving and crying over and over again. Corey picked me up and set me in his lap. Telling me he had me, and everything would be okay. He told me over and over again, that they were all here for me. That I should not believe any of my nightmares anymore. That they were here for me to remove them. After my stomach finally settled a little bit. Cory picked us up off the floor. He helped me stand, and I told him I needed to shower. Dr Shawn asked me if I would let one of the female staff help me. I told him no please. Then he said can I help you then. I will be completely in doctor mode. I was nervous but I told him ok. He shut the bathroom door. Then he turned the water on. Then he helped me get in the shower. He was still in his scrubs when he got in with me. He held me up as I got a little dizzy. He helped me wash up. He had me wash my private areas. Which I was glad for. His eyes never went past my face. He made eye contact with me the whole time. When I was done, we stepped out of the shower. There was a set of clothes for me. That I know was from meanie. He always makes sure I have clothes that feel comfortable. Plus he made all my shampoo and bodywash. He found out I like honey suckles so all my shampoo and body wash smelled like it. After my shower Shawn helped me get dressed. Then walked me to the hospital bed. I saw my Lukie and Hacker waiting for me. Shawn helped me get in the middle of them. He had to put in another IV since I accidentally ripped mine out. Then he gave me a shot through the IV. Then he told me, it will help me rest. I don't know why my mom wanted me to remember. This painful memory hurts so bad. I just want to crawl into a hole and die. I know I can't, because I have my babies to live for. I also found my Lukie, and my hacker. Plus I met all their brothers. Even some of their family members. Erica has been wonderful to me. Every day she comes in the room with chocolate chip pancakes. My favorite since I was a little girl. Then at lunch time one of the guys brings me a bowl of chicken and dumplings. One of my other favorites. I know that the food is coming from Uncles restaurant that he opened up. I can't wait to see what it looks like. Then for my dinner one of the guys always surprised me.

As I was laying down I kept thinking about the vision. I wanted to believe that the vision was just a nightmare. Although I knew in my heart, that the vision was in fact a memory. One that was buried deep in my subconscious. I was finding it hard to relax from everything I have found out about. Luke took my hand in his and said cupcake, please don't worry, just rest for a bit please. Corey reached his arms from behind me, and pulled me close to him. I was now facing Lukie, with Corey cuddling from behind me. They together had a way to put my mind at ease. I mean if we could find each other again. Then anything was possible. The thought of this made me sleepy. I had no more nightmares or visions. It was just me sleeping soundly.

Dr Sean Green P.O.V.

After a pretty long day. Axle finally talked me, and Owen, in to getting something to eat. We were all pretty much on pins and needles. We were always waiting on something bad to happen. My poor pookie has been through the ringer. I can't believe we almost lost her. I can see the toll in her eyes when I look in them. They tell me that she can't handle anymore bad news. I just hope we find out that Cory is Melodys father. At least that will be one thing better for her.

As we are done in the hospital cafeteria, eating a piece of apple pie. It is one of my favorite desserts. I could eat it everyday 24/7. That is why Linda the cook always saves me a pie. As I was finishing my bite of pie, we got a red line from Raven. Axle called Raven to see what was up. When he told us what was going on with Pookie. We threw our trash away and made a beeline to her room. When I got to her room my poor pookie, was on the floor crying. You could see how sick and scared she was. I quickly told the nurse to give me a syringe with 25 mg of phenergan. Was she handed it to me, I quickly gave it to my pookie. I told her that the shot would stop her nauseousness and calm her stomach. The medicine actually took longer to work than I thought it would. She kept crying over and over again. Corey picked her off the floor and set her his lap. After the medicine started working, Corey stood up with her, he helped her stand. Then Pookie said she needed to shower. I was nervous about her standing by herself in the shower. So I asked her if I could get one of the female staff here to help her. She looked scared and quietly told me no. Then I asked if I could help her, I would be completely professional. She looked down and said ok. So I turned the water on hot to warm. Then I helped her undress and we got in the shower. I was fully dressed. I helped her stand, and I was right she was a little weak and dizzy. I washed her up, keeping eye contact the whole time. I had her wash her special areas. Which I saw she was glad for that. Then we got out of the shower. Gabe already put clothes on the sink for her to wear. I helped her get dressed then helped lay her down between Luke and Cory. I had to start a new IV since she accidentally ripped hers out. Then I gave her some Valium through her iv. Hoping it would work I stepped back into the bathroom. Then got dressed in the scrubs Gabe left for me. Gabe was the one to make sure we all looked our best. He could do anything you needed in fashion. Or even just a disguise to make you look like someone else. When I walk out of the bathroom, I see her sleeping soundly. She is so cute. She is wrapped up in my brothers arms looking at peace. As I leave her room I get a page. I look down and make sure it's not an emergency. I noticed it's the labs number. So I decided to just take a moment and rest. I feel like I have been up for days. Which I probably at close to that. It is hard being a doctor, but I love seeing the faces of the people I have helped. I also have the skills to patch up, or save my brothers lives. If something went wrong on a assignment. So I go to my office, and grab a cup of coffee. Then sit and relax for a few minutes. I really want to get to the lab, and see what they have for me. So I drink my coffee, then get up to start and head down to the lab.

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