Chapter 3: New Friends

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The next day was another school day, so Diddy left on his way to Kong Kollege. But first, he decided to go visit the new kongs that had arrived the day before to see how they were doing and, in addition, he brought them a few bananas from the reserve.

Diddy arrived at the house where they had stayed and looked out the window. The four new kongs were already starting to wake up.

"Hey, hello! It's me," Diddy called them softly.

The four kongs turned to see him and greeted him with joy.

"Hey? It's Diddy. Hi!"

"Diddy, you're back!"

"Hey, Diddy!"

"Here, I brought you some bananas," Diddy said, handing them the bananas he had brought them.

"Oh, thanks, Diddy!" the young kongs said happily while taking the bananas.

"Will you stay with us for a while?" Chunky asked him.

"Not now, I have to go to school," Diddy replied. "But maybe in the afternoon I will come and take you to see the island a little, what do you think?" he suggested to them kindly.

"That would be great," Chunky replied, smiling.

"Yes, I want to go!" Tiny jumped with excitement.

"Well, but... isn't it dangerous?" Dixie asked, looking a little worried.

"Of course not, Trixie. There are nice and fun places here," Diddy replied.

"It's Dixie," she clarified with a little laugh. "And well, then no problem. Come on later."

"Okay, then we'll go this afternoon," Diddy said goodbye. "See you later!"

Then, Diddy headed towards school. At first, he remained smiling after having gone to greet the group of kongs that he had just met; he hadn't even realized that he was calm this time... until he remembered that he was approaching Kong Kollege, and was now thinking about the group of his bully classmates.

Diddy was arriving and, like the day before, and like almost every day, the quartet of bully children were waiting to do something bad to him. Diddy tried to stay hidden in certain corners near Kong Kollege, trying not to be found by any of those kids, whom he had already seen nearby.

Diddy ducked into the bushes to try to get to the classroom stealthily. When suddenly, Jemky, the orangutan boy, appeared to him by surprise without him being able to see him before. He stood in front of Diddy and grabbed him by the shirt instantly.

"There you are, you rotten lizard!"

"Ugh, you are going to start!" Diddy responded, trying to get free.

"We've got you, you dumb dwarf!" Mandrew exclaimed, appearing along with Melenky and Rocky.

"No! Let me...

Before Diddy could make a defensive move, the four bully kids grabbed him tightly and began to drag him to a hidden corner among the trees. Jemky knocked him down and slammed him to the ground, then Mandrew rushed in with a kick that left him hurting for a while and kept his arms crushed along with Melenky. Meanwhile, Rocky had taken Diddy's backpack to start rummaging through it, and from it he took out his lunch.

"Hey, Melenky, take this!" Rocky said, throwing the lunch, which Melenky took by surprise.

"Uh, are we going to eat it?" Melenky asked, confused as he held the lunch.

"Don't be dumb, throw it away!" Jemky replied.

"Don't even think about it, clown face!" Diddy warned Melenky as Mandrew kept him pinned down.

Hurricane Island [Diddy Kong x Dixie Kong]Where stories live. Discover now