Chapter 34: Resignation

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The next day, Diddy and Dixie each woke up at their hammocks. At first, they didn't know where they were, although soon they remembered that they were in that room they had been assigned to sleep. Unlike previous days, this time they felt that they had rested better and more comfortably.

Both, from their respective hammocks greeted each other and smiled at a distance, before commenting on how they had rested. After getting up, they went to get ready to start the day.

Mr. Pinky, on the other hand, was walking from the kitchen of his house to one of the terraces, carrying a table and a few chairs. Even those areas of his house were elegantly themed as in any corner of the entire residence in the tree.

Suddenly, the pair of little kongs had also arrived on the scene, since he had called them earlier so they could eat.

"Hi, Mr. Pinky!" said the two at the same time.

"Oh, how are you, Mr. Diddy and Miss Dixie? Did you sleep well this first night?"

"Of course," replied Diddy. "Do we help you with anything?"

"Just bring your own plate," said the professor. "It's almost all set."

"Okay, mister," Dixie replied smiling, before going with Diddy to take their respective dishes.

"Uhh... kids," the teacher later called them. "And I also want to apologize again for... last night's arguing and-"

"Ah, don't worry anymore, Mr. Pinky," Dixie interrupted calmly. "At least you saved our lives."

"That's true," Diddy added.

Diddy and Dixie each brought their dishes to the table, and then Mr. Pinky joined them. The two looked somewhat happy and relaxed compared to the previous day, which Mr. Pinky could notice and even looked at them with some strangeness. It even seemed as if they hadn't had that disagreement with the teacher.

"Hey, kids, I wanted to ask you a question," said the professor, looking at them with some suspicion as they began to eat. "Where did you go last night? I didn't see you after I talked to you."

Diddy and Dixie stood still at the question, looked at each other, and then looked at Mr. Pinky, trying to hide their expression.

"Uhh, we just went for a walk," Diddy replied, trying not to laugh.

"You went for a walk, huh?" Mr. Pinky said, gazing up and crossing his arms. "You went to that lake that changes color, right?"

The two of them froze and opened their eyes to the fullest, internally begging that the teacher hadn't been watching them the entire time they were there.

"And how do you know we went there?" Dixie asked, smiling with some nerves.

"I wanted to make sure you didn't try to sail again and I went to follow you two. But I only saw you running and playing near that lake, so I assumed there was nothing to worry about and I went back to sleep. I just hope you didn't swim in that lake; that water is harmful.

"Ah, yeah, yeah, that happened," Diddy said with a forced smile. "And... don't worry, mister, we didn't go into the water."

Diddy and Dixie felt a relief, looked at each other, and then shrugged, both trying not to laugh as they remembered their moments from the night before.

"Hey, Mr. Pinky," Dixie said after a while. "And what could we do during these three months?"

"Well, you can go for a walk in places near here, there are many interesting places. You can also go visit your circus friends if you want. I'm not going to stop you if that's what you think, although yes: if you are going out, just don't forget to tell me where you will be in case an emergency arises, and also be careful with strange animals and places far from this area."

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