Chapter 37: Hanging Out Day

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The next morning, Diddy and Dixie said goodbye to the teacher and, before long, they were heading to visit their new friends. They still didn't know how it all happened in a single day, but they were excited to have met new kongs their age.

When they got to their house, they went up. The first thing they would do was knock on the door, but they stopped when they discovered that it was wide open. They approached to look inside the house, but for some reason... there was no one.

"Where did they go?" Dixie questioned, looking into the house.

"Oh, no. Maybe that bad gorilla they were talking about took them away?" Diddy said worriedly.

"I don't think so, maybe they just went out to eat or something," Dixie speculated. "Why don't we come back later?"

Diddy and Dixie searched around the house, but there was no trace of either of the four kids. Both began to worry a little and feared that something bad had happened to them, since they hadn't even left the door closed. But they didn't want to think about the worst yet, so they decided to leave.

They both headed back to Mr. Pinky's house. They waited until after noon to return back to the house of their new friends, and they did.

In the afternoon, Diddy and Dixie returned again to the new kongs' house. They hoped that this time they would find them at home, but to their surprise... they were also not present and, moreover, the door was still open. That was really worrying for both of them. Then, they came down from the house while wondering where those children were.

"How strange," Dixie said pensively. "They don't seem to have been here; the house is just as we found it this morning."

"Diddy! Dixie!" a female voice that seemed to belong to a kong girl exclaimed behind them.

They turned to look and realized that it was those children, who were in the distance heading towards them. They were both glad to find them and relieved to see that they were okay... In fact, the four of them looked somewhat more presentable than the day before. They even wore different clothes; for start, the two girls now wore ribbons in their hair: Mandy wore a red bow in addition one fuchsia vest over her pink blouse, while Jenny now had a ribbon paired with her blouse and hair pulled back with a bow; as for the boys, Ricky now wore a blue shirt over his yellow T-shirt, while Melvyn now wore a red and white striped T-shirt under his overalls.

Diddy and Dixie were surprised at first to see them, as they now seemed to look like normal children and no longer as much as lost children as they were the day before. But anyway, they smiled to see that they were okay.

"Hi! How are you?" Dixie said to them as they arrived, and they returned the greeting. "We were looking for you."

"Yeah, we had come in the morning but we didn't find you here," Diddy added. "I thought something had happened to you."

"Oh, no, nothing happened," Jenny replied with a little laugh. "We had gone to look for food and just arrived."

"And besides... we went to heal Mandy's leg," Ricky added, pointing to Mandy, who could now walk normally, unlike the day before. "She's already better and can walk well."

"Really? Did she recover so quickly from an... injury?" Diddy questioned, looking at her strangely.

"Yeah, it's that... Well, it wasn't so serious after all," Melvyn replied. "We found a medicine ape who was able to help us heal her injury."

Diddy and Dixie were somewhat confused and looked at them strangely at what they said. But they didn't take much importance since at least, the kong girl was already well after the fall of the previous day.

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