Chapter 20: Mysteries and Strange Finds

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The next day, Donkey got up a little later than usual, and assumed that Diddy would do the same because he was no longer going to have classes. Even if the day seemed calm, he felt a little bad that he had argued with his nephew the night before, even though it wasn't the first time they had argued for the same reason. Donkey wanted to go see him to clear things up and went to his room.

"Diddy, are you awake?" knocked on the door, which was adjusted so he could pass without problems. "Little buddy, I just wanted to talk with-"

When Donkey came in, he only saw the things in Diddy's room, but there was no trace of his nephew, which seemed a bit weird to him.

"Diddy?" called him again.

Donkey searched for him all over his room, but for some reason, Diddy wasn't there. Then, he looked for and called him all over the house, but received no answer, which was looking unusual at that time.


Maybe he assumed his nephew had been out for a while because of the bad days he'd had, so he decided to wait a little longer.

After breakfast, Donkey stayed home for a couple of hours, but Diddy wasn't there yet? That was getting pretty weird to him. He also went to look for him in the cave where they stored the banana reserve, but he didn't receive any response either.

He decided to go to Funky's house to ask if Diddy wasn't there or if he hadn't seen him on the beach.

"Funky!" called him Donkey from afar while Funky was adjusting some devices.

"How are you, brother?" Funky greeted him just before noticing his concern. "What's wrong?"

"By any chance, Diddy hasn't been here?"

"No, brother, I haven't seen him. Why?"

"I wanted to talk to him, but when I went into his room, he wasn't there... And I don't know where he is now."

"Hmm, maybe he's walking around. But at least me, I haven't seen him today."

Donkey just looked away, while becoming more concerned.

Then, he went to Cranky's cabin to look for him, where there was no one, but he had access anyway. But there he found no trace of his little nephew either. So, he went to Candy's house.

"I haven't seen him, honey, why?" Candy replied after Donkey asked about Diddy.

"I haven't seen him almost all morning either. I called him all over the house and he wasn't there."

"And won't he be at school thinking that there are still classes or did he have something pending to do? He may have had to go there as an emergency."

Donkey turned to Kong Kollege to make sure. There was only Mr. Pinky arranging some papers of the outgoing students.

"Mr. Pinky, good morning," Donkey said as he entered.

"How are you, Mr. Donkey?" Pinky replied formally. "What brings you here?"

"Just in case, Diddy hasn't come here?"

"No, Mr. Donkey. In fact, he should have come to pick up his certificate and talk about how we could make up for his final work. What has happened to him?"

"I haven't seen him for most of the morning, and he's not in the house."

"Well, no, Mr. Donkey, I haven't seen him."

After still no affirmative answers, Donkey went to Lanky's house. Although it would be unusual for Diddy to be there, he went anyway to make sure.

"I haven't seen the little guy these last few days, Donkey," Lanky said. "Haven't you asked Swanky?"

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