Chapter 27: Unforeseen Events in the Open Sea

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It was late at night and, in the middle of the open sea, there were Diddy and Dixie paddling in the small boat. It had been maybe a couple of hours; they still had a long journey to go to get home. Both were too exhausted, apart from the fact that cold currents of wind were coming around and making them cold. At other times, the sea also had waves that made the boat sway slightly, but they managed to balance it with the help of the oars.

"Don't you want to rest a while better?" Diddy asked Dixie as he rowed exhausted.

"I was going to tell you the same thing," Dixie replied in kind.

They both put their oars on the boat and finally took a break; they had been paddling since they left the city beach.

"Do you know?" Dixie said later. "I was thinking... that if those tamers had managed to capture me that time, surely with Tiny and Kiddy we would be circus animals again... but this time with those appalling mistreatments."

"Oh, no, it would be terrible," Diddy said. "That place was a complete prison; I wouldn't even want to imagine how you would be treated... or who knows what fate you four would have had."

"The good thing is that now those monstrous ones will be in prison and pay for the damage they did to us," Dixie added with a little smile of victory, before looking down. "Or at least I want to think that."

"I hope so, those men were monsters with the animals... Geez, although that was the only thing we could do against them."

"I swear I would have liked to keep beating them up, but... nothing more could be done," Dixie added before sighing and lowering her gaze. "But at least something could be done... I'll have to tell this to Tiny, Kiddy and Chunky no matter what."

"I still can't believe we were able to free a bunch of big animals from a circus," Diddy said after a while. "I mean, just look, we were there for a few days and we already got them all out of that horrible place... And it was you who gave the idea."

"I don't even think so, I had only come looking for you and we ended up directing a massive escape," Dixie replied, smiling a little, before pausing. "And I really hope that all those animals reach a good destination."

"Yeah, I also hope they'll reach some mainland or somewhere safer."

They both smiled as they remembered and talked about the whole mission of freeing the animals from the circus and zoo. It made them sad also to remember all the terrible things they had to witness in that place, as well as, they were glad to have rescued all the animals there.

But after a few moments, the topic of the zoo, the circus, the city and the animals was already ending, and there began to be moments of silence. Suddenly, Diddy began to remember the last matters before leaving DK Island; there were pending things to be talked about, and now there was Dixie in front of him to do it.

"Dixie... I think... all this was my fault," he told her with a low expression. "I shouldn't have gone out to sea at that time of night... Sorry if I made you come looking for me and put yourself in danger too."

Dixie also began to remember the last things that had happened before she had gone looking for Diddy. They had already clarified the matter at the zoo, but now was a better time to explain it well... and even make real peace.

"Hey... it's not your fault," Dixie replied in the same tone. "I mean, you just wanted to go out for a while; those tamers were the ones who captured you," she paused before continuing with what she had to say. "And... sorry, Diddy. I already told you: it was Jemky who appeared at that moment and threatened me so that I told you that I didn't want to be your friend anymore, that you were a dumb monkey and that I was dating him. You know I wouldn't have told you that; you are my best friend. And I would have to be crazy to have really dated that burnt hairs."

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