Chapter 100: After a Journey

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A/N: Extensive chapter... but happy :3

About forty hours had passed in what Diddy and Dixie had been traveling, which seemed to them as if they had been sailing for a week. It was the second consecutive hours of the morning they saw, which made them wonder if they would see another day pass.

Dixie was sleeping in one of the cabins, not so far from the door; she had finished her turn to be watching the compass half an hour ago. Meanwhile, Diddy was right next to the helm... although he dozed at every moment too; the hours of taking turns sleeping had not been the best for both of them.

At one point, Diddy was dozing off over the map and compass, even if he struggled not to succumb to sleep. When suddenly... a sudden and thunderous wobbling jolted him awake and instantly heightened his senses. Those thunderous noises continued to be felt after a few seconds, which put Diddy on high alert.

Diddy immediately went to peer over the railing to see what was happening, as those noises seemed to be coming from the bottom of the ship. Suddenly, he noticed that there were some small rocks that appeared and then were covered by the sea, and the ship was crossing them.

He returned almost instantly to the helm to get out of that rocky area, but when he turned the helm... it seemed to have jammed, perhaps because of the rocks themselves. Diddy exerted much more force to try to turn the helm, even though he didn't have enough. Suddenly, the helm turned again, but as he was exerting force, Diddy accidentally turned it abruptly, causing the ship to turn sharply to the point of making him slip.

"Oh, no, no, no!" Diddy exclaimed again, almost throwing himself at the helm to regain control.

"What's going on?!" Dixie appeared leaving the cabin and heading to Diddy.

"There are some rocks underneath that are crashing the ship-"

Suddenly, another crash was felt, even causing Dixie to stumble down the steps. Then, she reached Diddy, who was still trying to force the helm when it got stuck again.

"I'll help you!" Dixie exclaimed, taking the helm along with Diddy, and between the two of them they tried to reactivate it.

But unfortunately, the helm abruptly got unstuck again, causing the ship to sway more forcefully and almost giving it a sideways tilt, as if it wanted to capsize. Diddy and Dixie immediately got up to continue trying to regain control of the ship.

"No! We're losing our way!" Dixie exclaimed, pointing to the compass.

Diddy also noticed that the compass seemed to indicate that they were going in the opposite direction, which was causing them to panic.

"We have to regain it! Let's go!" Diddy exclaimed again.

Diddy tried to turn, but this time... the helm felt too light, as if it no longer had validity. Both entered into greater desperation as they tried to handle the helm, but the ship no longer responded to them and just drifted.

"Oh, no, no, please!" Diddy exclaimed, turning the helm in vain, which turned like a simple ornamental wheel.

"We have to find a way to fix-"

Suddenly, both were almost thrown off the deck when a more abrupt wobble than the previous ones was felt throughout the ship... It was as if it had crashed, since it even splashed water.

"Now what?!" Dixie exclaimed, getting up hurriedly.

Diddy and Dixie were going to head towards the bow... but not before feeling as if the ship was losing height and tilting backwards.

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