Chapter 70: Confrontations and Reunions

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In one of the cells, Dixie was with a lowered and dull look, even emitting a few low sobs between moments. Her hands and feet were bound with those shackles that she could not even get up even to look out through the bars. She prayed with all her might that all the events that had occurred since the previous day had been just a bad dream, and that maybe she would actually be on Hurricane Island sleeping with Diddy and hoping to be able to return to DK Island in the three weeks left... but no, the reality was different and hopes in Dixie were on the verge of being extinguished.

Suddenly, footsteps began to be heard nearby. Dixie, peeking out a little, saw a small silhouette entering the ward. Seeing it in better clarity and detail, she realized that it was Jemky, so she rolled her eyes and began to show all the disgust in his presence.

Jemky went straight to the cell where Dixie was being held and placed his hands on the bars. Then, he smiled at her, even though Dixie was looking at him very reluctantly.

"Hi, bab-"

"What do you want?!" Dixie interrupted as she looked at him in disgust.

"Don't worry, we're not going to fight," Jemky replied, speaking to her in a sweet tone and smiling. "Rather... I came to get you out of here," he whispered.

"W-what?!" Dixie exclaimed, confused at what he said.

"That's right," Jemky reaffirmed, looking everywhere around him, and then looked back at her. "I'll get you out of here, Dixie. I won't allow my dad and the others to harm you, let alone turn you into a mechanical kid."

Dixie looked at him with extreme oddity; it was obvious that she found it quite suspicious that Jemky would say such a thing to her, so she just rolled her eyes and looked away from him.

"Hey, hey, what do you say, pretty?" Jemky said, leaning further into the bars. "I'm serious... Look, I'll open the bars for you to believe me."

Jemky withdrew for a moment, and actually went to the entrance of the room where the button that opened the cells was located. Seconds later, he pressed the button, and the cell bars opened.

Dixie could have escaped right then and there if not for the shackles and rope in her hair she was tied with. Even so, she was invaded by the survival instinct and, forcing her tied hands and feet, managed to get up and tried to walk towards the exit... But the shackles only made her stumble.

"Wait, wait, not so fast, girl," Jemky said, helping her up, and then rummaged through the pockets of his vest. "Let me help you."

Jemky took out a few small keys from his pockets, and then stopped to stare at Dixie.

"Listen to me, Dixie... I'll get you out of here, I'll help you escape," Jemky said, smiling confidently. "I'll take you to DK Island if you want, I'm not going to say anything to my dad-"

"And what is this about?!" Dixie interrupted, looking at him suspiciously. "You are up to something."

"No, I'm serious!" Jemky replied. "I'll take you to DK Island myself," he added, smiling.

"And don't even think I'll give you a chance if that's what you want in return," Dixie told him firmly.

"Hey, I'm not telling you that," Jemky replied. "I really tell you, I'm going to help you," he added before subtly taking her hair and speaking in a sweet tone. "Dixie... I care about you very much; I'm not going to let them turn you into a mechanical girl."

"Do you really care about me that much?" Dixie asked, looking at him with an apparently sweet look, but then a defiant one. "So, I'll go with you... but if we also take Diddy."

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