Chapter 35: A New Love Bond

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It had been four weeks since Diddy and Dixie had become a couple, and they had been doing pretty well so far. In fact, those days had been so quiet that between moments made them think that it wouldn't be so difficult to stay on that distant island for so long.

It was late afternoon, while the two little kongs were playing and swinging through the trees after another dating day on Hurricane Island.

"You're not going to catch me, Dixie!" Diddy exclaimed defiantly as he ran through the tree branches in front of Dixie.

"You just wait!" Dixie replied in kind.

Dixie, while trying to reach Diddy, climbed to the highest branches and then jumped to where he was, landing with the help of her hair.

"What have you said?!" she said, catching him by surprise and giving him a fright.

"Oh, you always come out with your tricks," replied Diddy in defeat as Dixie laughed.

Later, they both sat on the same branch of the tree, still playing and laughing together. Then, in the middle of their games, the two stayed hugging and staring into nothingness.

"Hey, Dix... do you remember a long time ago when I asked you out the first time and then Kiddy, Chunky and Tiny also came to my house?"

"How can we forget that? I actually wanted to go out along with you but they got involved. And that they themselves suggested that I invite you."

"Really? Donkey had told me the same thing. And when we got to my house, Donkey said he would distract them so I would invite you again."

"What a coincidence, we had also planned the same thing to distract Donkey."

Both laughed for a while when they remembered that day where it had practically been their first date, even though they were only friends at that time. Then, they settled into another affectionate embrace, and Dixie gave Diddy a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"Dixie..." Diddy said, gently taking her hair. "You don't know how amazing you've made me feel despite all this."

"And you always make me feel good, Diddy," Dixie replied before hugging him tighter, to which he reciprocated with the same happiness. Then, both separated a little, but without ceasing to look at each other directly. "You can't imagine how happy I am for ours, it's... so beautiful everything."

"So do I, Dix," he said with the same emotion. "You don't know how long I waited to be like this with you, and now... we are."

"Ohh, you're so cute," Dixie exclaimed, playfully holding his face.

Then, both embraced again with all the excitement they felt being close to each other, and then continued to look together at the environment they had in sight.

"By the way, it's being done later," Diddy said later, looking up at the sky. "I think we should leave now."

"You're right," Dixie added. "Let's go before Mr. Pinky starts to worry."

The two came down from the tree and headed back to Mr. Pinky's house. For all those days they used to go back a little late, and even a few times they had worried the teacher.

When they arrived, the two went upstairs and went to the living room to greet the professor. But to their surprise, he was already standing by the door and with a somewhat serious look.

"Hi, Mr. Pinky!" said the two at the same time.

"Why do you always take this time to arrive?" the teacher asked them with a suspicious look.

"We never knew the time, sir," Diddy said with a forced smile.

"Well, if you say so," the teacher replied, gazing eyebrows up and smiling calmly. "Or are you two really... a little couple?"

Hurricane Island [Diddy Kong x Dixie Kong]Where stories live. Discover now