Chapter 90: Farewell at Dawn

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A/N: Extensive chapter.

The wee hours had passed, and everything seemed to have gone well. Diddy and Dixie were immersed in a deep sleep, while between times they settled themselves on their respective stretchers.

Later, and perhaps reaching a phase of light sleep, a sudden noise reached the ears of Diddy, who at first did not take it seriously, before it sounded again. Diddy, with half-open eyes, turned to settle again, when suddenly, he could hear footsteps echoing in the corridors outside, accompanied by a few murmurs. Diddy would think it was the people walking the corridors... if not because when he looked towards the windows, he realized that the sky was still dark. He got up immediately and, to his surprise, caught sight that the door to the room was half-opened. As if that wasn't enough, he turned to look around the room, and what he saw only fueled his suspicions: the quartet's stretchers were all empty.

Suddenly, Dixie was beginning to show light sleep movements, to which Diddy hurriedly called her by waving an arm.

"Dixie," he whispered as he also looked at the door. "Wake up, wake up."

"Hmm... What... What's going on?" Dixie replied, trying to open her eyes.

"Do you hear that?" Diddy whispered again.

Dixie, still struggling to keep her eyes open and getting up a little, stopped to listen to Diddy and what he mentioned.

"What?" Dixie asked as she forcibly got up.

Suddenly, Dixie also heard footsteps echoing down the corridor. Afterwards, Diddy pointed to the door and then to the quartet's empty stretchers, which made Dixie finish waking up and react better. Immediately, she was also alert to the strange details that were there. They would think that maybe the people took the quartet to carry out any examination on them, but it was strange that it was at such hours.

Diddy beckoned Dixie to go to peek out the door to inspect, to which she nodded. They both got off their stretchers and headed for the door, poking only their heads out to look around.

At first nothing could be seen, however, the footsteps kept echoing... When suddenly, small silhouettes were seen in one of the perpendicular corridors, and belonged to no one but Jemky and company. Diddy and Dixie looked at each other with suspicious faces and then looked back at the quartet, who continued walking quickly down that corridor until they were out of sight.

"What are they doing?" Dixie asked with a suspicious look. "Aren't they sleepwalking or something?"

"I have no idea. But something is starting to give me a bad feeling," Diddy said with a look of seriousness.

They both did not know what the four of them would be doing, since in none of the previous days had it happened that they got up like that so suddenly.

"I think we should go spy on them," Diddy whispered.

Dixie nodded, and then both of them walked out of the room, adjusting the door stealthily. Then, they started walking down that corridor, making sure that no one came or made so much noise.

"They went over there," Diddy pointed to a direction in the next corridor.

Both continued to follow in the quartet's footsteps. While they never stopped being attentive to the behavior of the four, they also didn't want to think anything bad about them.

"There they are," Dixie exclaimed quietly, pointing to a corner.

The quartet was clearly seen now... The four also seemed to be making sure no one was around, and they seemed quite awake to be sleepwalking. Diddy and Dixie continued to watch them from the pot of a plant in that corridor. They caught sight that the quartet was carrying what appeared to be dark jars containing a liquid.

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