Chapter 16: An Emerald

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The next day, Diddy was arriving at Kong Kollege with the advance of the pyramid in his hands. This time, he would have to be as careful as possible that none of his four annoying classmates appeared; although a long time ago he no longer had confrontations with them, he also didn't want to trust himself from them when he had some homework or some school project that was in view of that group.

Then, Dixie arrived also with her pyramid in her hands and met with Diddy.

"Hi, Diddy."

"How are you, Dixie?" he replied cheerfully. "Did you finish your pyramid?"

"Not yet, I'm going to put more stones around here," Dixie pointed out in small corners of her pyramid. "Oh, yes, and I'm also planning to paint it-"

"Hey!" one of their classmates suddenly appeared before them. "Can you come for a while? There is a surprise... Well, to Dixie specifically."

This time, it wasn't one of the bad kids, but of the rest of Kong Kollege's students, which was strange to Diddy and Dixie since they almost didn't speak to them, much less telling them that there was a surprise for one of the two of them.

"Excuse me, what's it's about?" asked Dixie, looking at him strangely.

"Just go, they're calling you," the kong child replied to Dixie.

Diddy and Dixie continued to look at him the same way, but they were also curious to know what it was, so they went where they were told. They crossed a few trees until they reached Kong Kollege's yard, when suddenly...

"Surprise!" Rocky, Mandrew and Melenky appeared in front of Dixie.

"Wait, we didn't have to say that," Melenky said.

"Uhh. Hey, Dixie, you have to watch this," Rocky said, pulling her arm along with the other two. "Come here."

"But what?! What?" Dixie asked, trying to resist them. "Oh, no..." she added, rolling her eyes after noticing the scene in front of her.

In the middle of the schoolyard, there was Jemky, who this time was holding a huge bouquet of flowers... In fact, one almost the same size as Dixie. The orangutan boy adjusted his vest as he headed towards Dixie with the huge bouquet, which only made her eyes twist again; it wasn't the first time Jemky had made such details toward her. Even Diddy used to twist his eyes and look with disgust at those details that Jemky had with her.

"Hello, Dixie," Jemky said, smiling. "I have something for you, pretty."

"Jemky, I've already told you thousands of times-"

"Hey, wait, just watch this," he interrupted, smiling and grabbing her arm, which Dixie immediately pushed away.

Suddenly, Rocky, Mandrew and Melenky carried a medium-sized box, which was quite decorated and had a few jewels in it. Jemky took the box while the other three held the huge bouquet of flowers.

"Look what I brought you," Jemky said as he showed her the box and showed the jewels, which were very bright. "I bought them just for you, pretty. They made me think of you because they are as beautiful as you are. Every time I see you-"

"Hey," Melenky interrupted. "Aren't those jewels the ones we steal from the newlyweds?"

"Melenky!" exclaimed the other three kids, throwing a withering look.

"Hey, don't listen to him, it's not true," Jemky whispered to Dixie before speaking to her normally again. "As I was saying, baby, I just wanted to tell you if," he added as he knelt before her and held out the gift box, "would you agree to date me?"

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