Chapter 60: Sudden Events

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The next day had arrived. Dixie had slept lying on one of the rocks in the same corner near the shelter, where she spent the night before. She had decided not to sleep in the house this time, as she needed some alone time to be able to let off steam. She got up to get some bananas to eat, and then returned to the same place. She didn't feel like anything; she just thought about everything that had happened the day before.

Suddenly, she heard several footsteps nearby. It was a group of animals that were from the circus, walking around the shelter. Dixie stared at them for a moment: most of them already had almost all their wounds from circus training healed, besides, they were increasingly seen with a better countenance and a more cheerful attitude; that reminded her of when they were rescued from that zoo... Suddenly, she thought that maybe if it hadn't been for her and Diddy, who knows what fate those animals would have been. That thought at least managed to get a little smile out of Dixie... Although later, she became sad again when she returned to the present.

"Huh! Dixie! How is it going?" exclaimed one of the animals when they found her.

Dixie stood still for a moment when she was found out. Immediately, she tried to change her expression, because she didn't want to show herself in a low mood. The group of animals headed to her and were surprised to find her there.

"Hi... How are you?" Dixie replied with a faint smile.

"What are you doing around here so early?" the animals asked her, looking at her strangely. Dixie tried to hide her sadness, but from the way she expressed herself, it was evident, and some of the animals noticed. "Is everything okay?"

"Uhh... Yes, of course," Dixie replied, trying to smile. "Everything is fine..."

"Sure?" they asked her, not so convinced because of the low expression she showed. "And... have you talked to Diddy?"

Dixie couldn't help but look sad at the question again, which was very noticeable to the rest.

"Oh, I'm sorry if we were-"

"No, it's okay, don't worry," Dixie replied, trying to smile again, but she couldn't keep pretending she was okay. "It's just that... he and I don't have anything anymore."

"What?!" exclaimed the animals, shocked and beginning to murmur.

"How?! That is... not anymore, definitely?"

"But you two were meant for each other!"

"That's what I thought," Dixie said with a low look. "But I think I was wrong."

"Didn't you manage to convince him to believe in your word?"

"Diddy never believed me that all that is fake," Dixie replied in frustration. "And I don't know how to prove it to him anymore."

"So, we'll go talk to him!" exclaimed the animals with attitude and the rest joined. "We'll bring him back to you, Dixie. Together we'll convince him-"

"No!" Dixie interrupted as she recalled with anguish what happened next. "Forget it... it'll no longer do any good."

"But why? We want to help you two come back."

"Yeah, you two can't be like that and-"

"It's that... Oh, just leave it at that," Dixie replied, trying to restrain herself as she also recalled how she found Diddy along with Jenny when she tried to talk to him. "I really thank you for your help, but... I don't want to talk about this anymore, I'm sorry. And no, I really can't do anything anymore."

The animals watched her sadly. Everyone was sympathetic and really wanted to help her and Diddy, but Dixie insisted on doing nothing more about it.

"Oh, okay, Dixie," the animals replied before entering a moment of silence. "Uhh, don't you want to spend some time at the shelter? Today they made banana cake," they kindly suggested.

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