Chapter 56: A Little Date to Remember

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The next day had arrived. In addition to being a new day, a new month had also begun... in fact, the last one that Diddy and Dixie would be on that island, because within three weeks it's assumed that the hurricanes would have already finished and they finally would return to DK Island. The vacations had already been spent, but at least they had been novel. On Hurricane Island they had both good and not so good times and, although they had ended a friendship with four kongs who were supposed to be their friends, they still had each other after all and could do things together.

And speaking about doing things together, that very day, the young couple of kongs had a pending plan. Both spent much of the day organizing the date they decided to have. They had decided to make it like a surprise, so each one spent time preparing the details, so they walked apart while each one did their detail for the other.

Diddy was going to be the one who would choose the meeting place, but he was so hesitant since the island had a lot of places to choose from as a romantic date, and between times he considered choosing several places. Besides, Diddy was also thinking about the details he would do for Dixie; this time there were no friends to help him, so he would have to figure it out on his own. He wished Donkey was there, as he was sure he had given him good ideas. Diddy sometimes wished he had the same romantic spirit with his girlfriend that Donkey had with Candy, but it didn't work out so easily to him. Anyway, he wanted to make Dixie smile however he could.

Meanwhile, Dixie was also thinking about what she could do for Diddy. She was better at making loving details, so it didn't take her long to think about it. She walked through various areas of the jungle collecting materials that could be used for the gift; she had considered doing something done by herself.

A long while later, it was almost time for the date... and Diddy had not yet decided the place, nor did he have any present ready for Dixie; he had so many ideas that he didn't know which one Dixie would like best. On the other hand, Dixie had almost ready the gift; it had cost her a lot of time because of the small details it had, but at the same time, every second she didn't stop thinking about what the date with Diddy would be like.

Diddy, after so much thought, was still not sure what he could do. He was beginning to despair, as the date with Dixie was just around the corner... But suddenly, an idea came to his mind that, although he wasn't entirely sure if it would be a huge detail, at least it would have a special meaning for both of us.

It was already more than half of the afternoon; therefore, the hour was approaching. Diddy and Dixie returned to the house and met again.

"Are you ready, Diddy?" Dixie asked, smiling.

"Yes... Of course, Dix," Diddy replied, scratching his head because of the nerves; it had been a while since he felt that way. "Okay, so let's go."

They both got out of the house and headed towards the place where Diddy was pointing. He didn't say which it would be yet, so it was still a surprise. Dixie, on the other hand, had in her hands the gift for Diddy stored in a box, which was also kept secret for the moment.

They walked for a few minutes while Diddy gave directions. They passed near the animal shelter, and then walked a little further, until at last they came to a place where there was a cliff overlooking the sea.

"We're almost there," Diddy said with excitement.

Diddy took Dixie to a willow tree that was on the edge of the cliff. The place was small but comfortable to spend the two together.

"Well, Dix... it's here," Diddy told her before they arrived.

In front of the willow, there were on the ground several colorful tree leaves that together formed the names of Diddy and Dixie accompanied by some hearts next to it, also formed with leaves. In addition, there were a few fruits, mostly bananas, to be able to eat both. Dixie couldn't help but smile and feel excited when she saw that detail.

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