Chapter 52: Is That What Friends Are For?

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In the mid-afternoon, Diddy and Dixie were on their way to the house of their group of... friends? Both had decided that they would definitely not go with them to DK Island anymore... nor did they intend to remain their friends because of the bad attitudes they had had with the two of them.

They also passed by where the ship was, which was already ready, and stopped to observe it in detail. But at the same time, a feeling of indecision was being generated in both of them: they had worked that ship until they got tired; desisting of going on it also meant to have wasted whole days of effort.

"Don't you feel pity or something?" Diddy asked as he touched the walls of the ship.

"Maybe a little," Dixie replied, crossing her arms. "But then I remember that we built this with fake ones and it completely shakes off."

"I feel like we threw away hundreds of hours of work," Diddy added, still watching the ship. "Although the trip would be exciting if they had behaved better with us."

Then, they continued on their way and headed to the quartet's house. But first, they had to plan how they would be told that in the best way without the four of them reacting badly, besides they had to prepare to see them again, since the last meetings with them had not been so good.

"You talk to them first," Diddy whispered as he was about to go upstairs to the house.

"No, no, we'll both talk to them!" replied Dixie quietly.

The two climbed up until they reached the door of the house. It would be a somewhat awkward meeting, and at least they hoped that everything would happen calmly and the four of them would take it in the best way they could.

They were going to knock on the door, when suddenly... they managed to hear some additional voices inside along with the four of them. Apparently, they were talking to some of the other kong children in the herd... In fact, they could hear them laughing out loud. Diddy and Dixie managed to hear certain words that caught their attention, so they became curious to know what they were talking about. Both beckoned to silence, and then stood with their ears glued to the door so they could hear better.

"I really can't stand them, they're ridiculous," Ricky was heard speaking.

"Exactly, the two of them think they look good together," Mandy added in a mocking tone. "But no, they're pathetic."

Diddy and Dixie looked at each other with an expression of seriousness at what they heard; it was almost entirely likely that they were referring to the two of them. In addition, they listened as the rest of the kids laughed with each sentence that the four said.

"Hopefully one day they'll cheat on each other, fight and break up!" said Jenny in a tone of disgust. "It's that Dixie is also very dumb; she should have better boyfriends; she only walks after that stupid boyfriend she has."

"Yeah, and Diddy is another dumb," Melvyn added in the same tone. "For him there is only Dixie, he knows no better girls than Dixie. 'Oh, no, let Dixie and me be happy'," he said, imitating him and making the rest of the kong children laugh.

Diddy and Dixie were completely outraged now. Indeed, the group was talking about them. Both were so enraged that they were consumed by the desire to suddenly enter the house and confront them, but they wanted to keep listening to find out what else they were talking about them.

"'My name is Diddy, and I'm a leaf eater'," Ricky imitated him exaggeratedly. "'I'd rather eat a whole tree than kiss another girl other than my girlfriend Dixie because I feel like I'm cheating on her'."

"Wait, wait, I have a better one!" Mandy interrupted with a laugh. "'I'm Dixie and I believe my boyfriend, and not even because he kissed Jenny, I'll stop loving him'."

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