Chapter 9: Second Day

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The next day had arrived, and it was another day of school. Diddy was coming to Kong Kollege and, as he always did, he tried to sneak into some bushes so as not to be seen by the quartet of bully children... Although on occasions like this, it didn't turn out so well.

"Here you are, lizard!" Jemky exclaimed, catching him by surprise and knocking him to the ground.

"Dumb monkey!" Mandrew added, lunging at him.

Immediately, Diddy tried to grab their arms to stop them, but Rocky and Melenky stopped him.

"No, no, you won't take us for fools, you stupid monkey!" Rocky said, holding him down.

Diddy tried to get up, but the four of them continued to push and slap him so continuously that he was blocking himself again to act defensively.

"Hey!" exclaimed another voice, causing everyone to stop instantly. "What are you doing to Diddy?!"

As they looked, everyone realized that it was Dixie, who had arrived just as they were attacking Diddy. The four bully children didn't know what to say at first, but within seconds, they looked at her in a threatening way as well.

"You!" Mandrew exclaimed, pointing to her and heading towards her along the group. "You owe us one, dwarf!"

"It seems to me that with you we have a fight to end, don't we, girl?!" Jemky added in the same way.

"No one makes fun of us!" Melenky added.

"Oh, yeah?!" Dixie replied in a mocking tone. "Well, I don't have any problem with you."

"Huh, in that tone are you coming to talk to us, girl?" Rocky said, looking at her threateningly. "Nobody talks to us like that, did you understand, you silly little monkey?"

"And neither will I, no one is going to talk to me like that," replied Dixie, looking at them in the same way. "And if you want to fight, well-"

"Hey, well, wait a moment," Diddy interrupted, standing in front of Dixie and trying to pluck up the courage. "L-look, it seems to me that now is not a time to start fighting like that, so-"

"Shut up, you lizard monkey!" Jemky interrupted, pushing and slapping him with the group.

"No! Leave him, lice kids!" Dixie exclaimed, pushing the four of them.

"Huh, do you also want your due?!" Melenky said, grabbing her by the hair tightly.

"Girl with corn hair!" Mandrew added in the same way.

Instantly, Dixie pulled both of their manes, before pushing them hard away.

"First learn to comb your hair, before messing with mine!" Dixie replied.

"Stupid, don't mess with Dixie!" Diddy exclaimed, slapping them too.

"Huh! So, now you two want to challenge us, right?!" Rocky replied, trying to pounce on Diddy and Dixie.

"It's over!" Jemky added in the same way. "Now you're going to see! Pair of dwarves!"

Dixie immediately acted defensively and gave Jemky and Rocky another push. Mandrew was going to attack her, but Diddy got in his way, being interrupted later by a few slapping from Melenky, but Dixie also intervened. Suddenly, a new confrontation had been set up between the quartet with Diddy and Dixie. For her part, Dixie showed no fear in confronting those bully children and, this time... Diddy wasn't lagging behind, mostly for helping Dixie and trying to protect her on certain occasions; he seemed to have taken a little more courage.

"Miserable monkey!" said Jemky, knocking and holding him down to the ground, but Diddy slapped him in the face to push him away. "Hey!"

"Idiot oaf!" Melenky told Diddy, lunging at him, but then received a push from Dixie.

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