Chapter 88: News of an Outcome

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Diddy and Dixie were in the outdoor area, where the people took them and the quartet on several occasions. Both were again with easels, painting on some canvases. That activity was one of the most frequent that they had been put to do and, at the same time, it was the one that relaxed them the most.

"Is it all of us?" Diddy asked Dixie as he watched at her canvas, which had quick scribbles of representations of what the kong family were on DK Island, including the two of them.

"You said it," Dixie replied, smiling.

"At least I think you represented Cranky well," Diddy pointed out jokingly toward Cranky's drawn silhouette, which showed him raising his cane and making an angry expression.

Dixie gave a few small laughs and gave Diddy a slight push playfully. Afterwards, they both looked at the drawing and couldn't help but imagine that it was really happening.

"We'll go back to the island..." Dixie said, smiling a little and more confidently. "Let's hope everything can go well."

"I know it will be," Diddy replied in the same way, then looking at Dixie. "At least I hope they have seen the letters we sent for them. And when we get back, I hope everything will be okay again, and so will we."

They both smiled at each other for a few seconds, as Diddy subtly took Dixie's hair. Suddenly, she also placed a hand on his cheek, although within a few seconds, they both immediately moved away, while having slight expressions of blushes and smiling at each other with some shyness.

"Uh, well... and what have you painted?" Dixie asked, still trying to hide her blush.

"I was just trying to draw a race car," Diddy replied, showing his canvas and diverting the topic as well.

"Ahh, hadn't you said you had nothing to do with each other anymore?" Mandrew appeared behind them suddenly with a mischievous tone.

"Hey, no. What are you talking about?" Diddy replied annoyed, but struggling again not to blush. "We were just talking."

The quartet was painting alongside them too, albeit a little further away.

"By the way, what did you paint this time?" Melenky asked them, appearing by surprise too, while holding brushes in hand and taking a look at Diddy and Dixie's canvases. "Not bad. Want to see ours? Mine turned out great."

"What are you talking about? That's ugly," Mandrew said, pointing to his canvas. "Mine turned out better."

"Oh, sure. Yours is ugly too," Jemky said, who was also painting on his canvas. "You haven't seen how mine turned out."

Diddy and Dixie also took a look at the quartet's paintings, which had only abstract doodles. But other than that, both continued to be surprised by the behavior of the quartet; so far, they had behaved normally. In fact, Diddy had seen them like that only in the time they were his friends. During those days, they even had reached to tolerate each other with the four, to the point of being able to share moments with them. Obviously, neither of them was going to give them another chance as friends; Diddy even made it clear to them, but at least they were on neutral terms.

Everyone continued to paint on their respective canvases. Suddenly, they heard some movements near that area. They would think it was one of the people, but these, being tall, would have already been seen for a while. Suddenly, those footsteps were heard right behind them, and they turned to look at what it was.

"It's the Jennies!" Melenky exclaimed, pointing at them. "But what are they doing here?"

"Did the doctors let them out?" Diddy wondered.

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