Chapter 65: A Falsehood

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A/N: This chapter is the longest of all (if you're here for spoilers, get out of here as soon as possible).

Diddy and Dixie, after having inserted that cassette, fast forwarded the video recording to a few minutes before the quartet met the two of them for the first time. In that scene, the quartet was finishing tying several ropes until they formed a net, which they were tying to the branches of nearby trees and to some stakes in the ground.

«Mandrew: (And are you sure that pair will be here today?), he asked as he finished tying a rope to a stake.

«Rocky: (They have been passing through this area for two days, we just have to shout as loud as we can so they can locate us. And don't worry, these ropes are sturdy).

«Jemky: (Well, you know, we'll tell them to untie this rope here, so we'll go down slowly so as not to crash or destroy these mechanical monkeys), he added as he tied another rope on the opposite side. (By the way, if we're going to talk to those two, let's make up new names for us this time).

«Mandrew: (And what name am I going to make up?)

«Jemky: (And I don't know, make up a girl's name and that's it... Anyway, and don't forget to also act like lost and abandoned children).

«Melenky: (Here they come! Let's get into the net now!)

«Jemky: (So fast?! Ugh, come on, come on!)

The four of them hurried to get inside the net. Two of them took a pair of ropes that were tied to the stakes in the ground and were pulling them little by little, at the same time they got up in the net until they were suspended in the air.

«Rocky: (They're already nearby! Well, on the count of three, start yelling, and beware you laugh when we talk to them or you say something confidential about this).

"Urgh, if I had known, I would have just left them trapped in that net!" Dixie grumbled as she watched the video recording.

Diddy and Dixie, within the video recording, were visualized running as if they were competing in a race. It was then that the quartet began to scream 'asking for help' and struggle with their limbs to 'try to get out', to which the kong couple began to hear them, look for them and then arrived to their 'rescue'.

«Jemky: (They're there, they're there! They already saw us, CALL THEM!)

Melenky (MELVYN): (Look, some monkeys! This way! Help us, please!), he exclaimed through 'Melvyn', pretending to have just seen Diddy and Dixie.

(Don't worry, we'll help you!) Dixie exclaimed in the recording, trying to calm them down.

(How do we get them all out?!) Diddy asked.

Rocky (RICKY): (Untie that rope from there!), he indicated to them, pointing to the stakes in the ground. (The one on the right!)



Diddy and Dixie had already untied the rope, causing the net to fall hard to the ground along with the children inside. In the video recording, a couple of cracks could be heard.

«Jemky: (Urgh, I told you that wasn't the rope! We're already crashed!)

(Oh, no! We're sorry, are you okay?), said Dixie with concern as she took each of their hands to help them out.

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