Chapter 89: The Final Night

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The evening hours had arrived, and the group of little kongs were back in their recovery room, each on their stretchers and with a particular doctor checking them. Only the children from Jenny's quartet were not present, as they had been moved to another room to stay. That same afternoon, everyone had been playing the rest of the day in the playground, so now they were somewhat exhausted.

Among other details, and even if they had had a recreation time, Dixie had not stopped thinking about the news they had heard that same afternoon. Now that they were in a quiet moment, she went deeper into her thoughts and remembered that dream she had where she had seen her parents and aunt and uncle. She remembered the last thing they had told her, something about how they had always tried to keep them safe from those circus tamers, and now... she had understood it, now she knew that actually they had always been in danger because of those tamers, and perhaps their parents never said anything to them so as not to scare them. Even so, things had unfolded as they did, and there was no turning back. However, what at least served as consolation to her was that now the group of tamers was going to face the consequences, which, indeed, with the confrontation they had almost two weeks ago, they had already made them pay quite a bit.

"It's time to sleep, little ones," one of the people said as they were leaving. Suddenly, one of them headed towards Diddy and Dixie. "By the way, you two, tomorrow will be your day to leave, so you can say goodbye to this place and... well, to your little friends if they are," they added, pointing to the quartet before continuing. "The vehicle will come tomorrow early in the morning and we'll take you to an island afterward in a boat. Behave well and don't be afraid, you'll be fine, okay?" they ended, giving them small pats on the head in a sweet way.

"Why do you give them so many explanations?" one of the people asked the other with a little laugh. "I don't think they understand."

"How could it not? I repeat, you can see that all these little ones are very intelligent," the first person replied in the same way.

Then, the people started to leave the room... but not before one of them returned back to Diddy and Dixie, and seemed to make sure that no one could hear.

"And another thing..." the same person whispered to Diddy and Dixie. "We will let you take your four mechanical friends, but only a few of us know it, okay?"

The person smiled at them and made a gesture of affirmation towards Diddy and Dixie, before also leaving the room and turning off the lights. Immediately, Diddy and Dixie looked at each other and smiled with a little excitement that they had finally managed to convince people to hand over Jenny's quartet. Now they would have to wait until the place where they are going to leave them does not look so complex to explore to find a route to Hurricane Island.

"So, you'll be leaving tomorrow, aren't you?" Mandrew asked them.

"Well, yes. Are you going to miss us?" Diddy replied jokingly.

"You wish," Rocky replied in the same tone before speaking to them normally. "Anyway, best of luck to you, monkeys. We still don't even know what we're going to do. The doctors even say they're going to keep us here for months or years."

"Hey, but after all, this place hasn't been so bad," Jemky said as they got ready to sleep. "I mean, at least those doctors have treated us well."

"That's true," Melenky added in the same way. "They feed us well, they give us bubble baths, they let us play all day, and nobody bothers us... I just don't like it when they give us any medicine or give us any injection."

"It hasn't been that bad, honestly," Mandrew said as he settled into his stretcher. "Although I don't want to stay here either... If they say they'll have us for so long with treatments, medications and I don't know what else, no."

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